Chapter 13- The Three Amigos Plus One

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Chapter 13:

Maria’s POV:

After arriving at Pelican’s Point with Evan, we quickly found Ryan and Rach waiting for us outside on the back porch. They were at our traditional table in the corner where the view of the setting sun against the ocean was absolutely breathtaking. Almost as breathtaking as Evan in his fitted blue v-neck shirt that I swear he put on only to show off his fit upper body. Whether that was the reason or not, I wasn’t complaining!

“Hey Maria! I haven’t seen you in awhile!” I turned to see my all time favorite waiter, Billy. Billy was the owner of the restaurant but he insisted on waiting tables because he wanted to work and interact with the customers.

“Billy! It’s so good to see you!” I exclaimed as I turned toward him and gave him a hug. Even though he was about 20 years older than my dad I still looked to him as a father figure. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my father and I knew I could go to him if needed, but I could talk to Billy about anything and he would listen. I still felt bad about not telling him about Sean and the accident because he knew something was up but he didn’t push me for information I didn’t want to spill. Billy was young at heart and I knew he believed he could do anything he set his mind to. He was like the crazy uncle that always gave you the best presents at Christmas. Billy was awesome. No doubt about it.

“Nice to see ya kid!” Billy said with his arm wrapped around my shoulders. “And who might this be? I don’t think I have seen him before now, have I?” Billy asked motioning towards Evan who had leaned up against the side railing.

“No you haven’t seen him before. Billy this is my…boyfriend Evan. He is from Wisconsin and is visiting McClellanville for the summer.” I told Billy, walking over to Evan and taking his left hand in my right. Evan reached out towards Billy with his right hand and shook his hand, saying it was a pleasure to meet him. Billy said likewise.

“Well I guess I should leave you four to have your teenage fun! I will be right back with a pitcher of lemonade!” Billy told us walking back inside. He gave me a wink too, before he turned into the doorway, which I knew meant he approved of Evan.

I can’t believe I just called Evan my boyfriend. It was true and all. But still. It felt strange and good at the same time. It felt right as well. Like I was meant to say the words ‘Evan is my boyfriend’. I turned back around to the table where Ryan and Rach were sitting and I was greeted with two of happiest the smiles I had ever seen from my two very happy best friends.

“Boyfriend huh?” Rachel asked me with a laugh. “Never saw that one coming,” She added sarcastically with a smile in Evan’s direction. He did a half nod at her like he was thanking her or something. Did they talk about me or something?

“I mean I saw you guys at the beach so I figured it was bound to happen.” Ryan added as Evan and I sat down.

“What happened at the beach?” Rach asked Ryan and then looked to Evan and me with a questioning look.

“Nothing really. We were just talking.” I told her to try and get her to drop it. There was no way I was going to ruin our dinner by talking about what I had told Evan just an hour ago.

“Yeah…talking while sitting on his lap!” Ryan said with a bark of a laugh. Evan and I laughed with him, trying to play it off like we were just innocently flirting on the beach, not sharing my deepest, darkest secret.

“Yeah man, you ruined it when you came running toward us. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn’t shown up!” Evan told Ryan jokingly. I gave Evan a thankful smile but laughed as a blush crept over my cheeks when I saw Rachel raise an eyebrow in my direction. I guess she was imagining what “might of happened”.

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