Chapter 16-"Some bleach blonde, fake baked bimbo" -Maria

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(A/N) Hey everyone! Thank you all so much for reading up to this point! I am so sorry I haven't updated in quite awhile, I have just been so busy with softball and school and it has jsut been a mess! And sorry this chapter isn't much but it is something!!! And I have not read through it so I am sure there are some mistakes! Don't kill me! I am trying here! Please comment and vote!! It means the world to me :) Thanks!

-Hannah :)


Chapter 16:

Maria’s POV:

After Monday night, the rest of the week went by pretty quickly. Evan and I would help out at the camp from 8-2 and then usually go down to the beach and hang out. When I told Evan on Tuesday that my dad had invited him over for dinner he was super excited. He even asked if his family could come as well and that way our parents could meet. It was going to be a great dinner and we were both looking forward to it tonight.

It was Friday morning so I headed into town early so that I could meet up with my grandma who I ate breakfast with at this little café called Beach-y Brunch every Friday. I pulled in around 6:30 and saw my grandma had already arrived. I could see her through the window sitting up at the counter already sipping coffee and chatting with the cook, Dave.

I walked in and I heard the bell above my head ring. Cassie, a girl who was in my math class last year, nods her head for me to go ahead and take a seat next to my grandma and says that she will be over in a sec to get our order. I obey and walk over to my grandma.

“Maria darling!” My grandma exclaimed as I give her a hug before sitting beside her.

“Grandma Anne! I see you came in early today!” I tell her as I grab a menu and look over it even though I already know what I am going to get, “Hi Dave,” I add after and wave at Dave who had returned to the kitchen but still waved at me through the window.

“Sweetie, now tell me how your summer has gone so far! Last Friday all you talked about was school being over and how excited you were to relax! Have you been able to relax?” My grandma asked as she turned and placed her hand on my arm.

“Well grandma it has gone pretty well. You know I always work at the Y with the summer camp there so this week has been a little busy, but I am sure after it is over next week I will have plenty of time to relax,” I told her.

“That’s good. Your mother mentioned you making a new…“friend” this past week. Is that so? Who is this mysterious “friend” she speaks of?” My grandmother asked laughing.

I laughed with her and then answered her question, “Yes his name is Evan and he is my boyfriend grandma. He is on vacation from Wisconsin and he is helping out at the Y with me.” I instantly smiled now that we were talking about Evan. Just the thought of him interacting with the kids made my heart swell with pride. Pride for the fact that this awesome guy who could make any kid laugh with a few words or actions is who I can call my boyfriend.

“Maria! A boyfriend! How great for you!” My grandma all but screamed to the whole restaurant. I looked around and I could tell a few people heard because they were smiling and shaking their heads at how my grandma reacted. At least they were sympathetic towards me. I mean what can I do? My grandma is a very lovely person to have around except when she gets excited and decides to tell the whole world what you were talking about.

Luckily just then Carrie came up and took our order. Even though I don’t know why she even bothers to write it down since Dave more than likely already started cooking it back in the kitchen. Carrie even brought me over some orange juice without me having to ask for any which was thoughtful of her and showed just how much of a regular my grandma and I had become.

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