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**Short Chapter**

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**Short Chapter**

It's been a week since Slade left for Emparal. It's been a week of having to watch Syn drag herself around, existing as though she has lost herself.

She doesn't bicker back at me when I make sly remarks and she hasn't even tried to fling her usual sarcastic comments at me.

Syn evidently seems to be more upset at herself than anything else. She's beating herself up about putting her trust in someone.

I've caught her countless times talking to herself; more like arguing with herself about how she could allow herself to trust someone again.

Seeing her this way is gut wrenching because she doesn't deserve to feel this way, she shouldn't feel as though she isn't cared for.

She is.

Xion had written Damon a few days ago explaining that he is dealing with family matters and that he won't be able to return to duty right away.

This causing me to be the only guard on duty to watch the princess, though they're other guards; Cullen refuses to put anyone else to watch the princess because he fears she may pull tricks.

This past week Syn has done everything so routinely, without a single complaint.

She wakes and gets ready for the day, eats breakfast or more like attempts to eat breakfast on the balcony overlooking the courtyard;

Spends an hour or two in the garden doing nothing really for she seems to has lost interest in her hobby of reading.

It saddens me to see her in such a slump all because Slade made promises to her and he is no longer here to uphold them.

We are currently on the balcony, Syn standing near the rail peering down at the hustle and bustle of the courtyard while I stood behind her observing her closely like I always do.

These days more often than before. She hasn't spoken much all day; just once to greet me and request that she wanted to go to the balcony.

The quiet atmosphere is disturbed by the princes messenger announcing that Cullen has requested to see Syn in his study.

She doesn't even spare the man a glance as she nods her head agreeably.

The messenger leaves and a moment later Syn turns to me indicating that she's ready to go to Cullens study.

She leads the way down the halls, the clicking of her heels echoing as she walked. Once we arrived the kings guards opened the door for her as she entered.

I followed behind her before the door closes. She stood in the center of the room peering down at Cullen who sat at his desk penning away at papers in front of him.

"You sent for me." Syn announces blankly, her voice sounding defeated.

Cullen finally looks up, grimacing once he sees her.

"Can't you clean up any better? You look unwell."

His words anger me as I clench my fists behind my back.

"You inspired my look for today." She claps back bluntly. It brings me a bit of joy to know she still has a bit of sass.

Cullen ignores her words before he stands from his seat, adjusting his attire.

"Our wedding is set for three weeks from now, I plan to announce it to the public in two days. That should give you some time to fix whatever this is until then." He explains gesturing towards her while he spoke.

He walks around the desk, standing to the right of Syn before he spoke again.

"Don't think for a second that I'll allow you to argue with me on this or embarrass me once I make our engagement public."

Syn stares out of the window behind the desk blankly, no doubt having an internal battle with her thoughts.

"Do you underst-" Cullen is cut off when Syn speaks again.



Cullen himself is also confused as he raises a brow and his mouth falls open slightly.

"Glad to see you have come to your senses now Syn." He compliments sarcastically.

"Will I be involved in the wedding planning process?" Syn questions.

"You don't have to be, the queen has got it taken care of." Cullen answers truthfully.

"Noted, may I leave now?"

"You are more than welcome to." He chirps back happily no doubt happy that he was able to make a request and Syn doesn't fight him about it.

As we leave his study and make it up the stairs towards Syn's chambers I stop her by holding her wrist before I speak.

"Why are you complying so easily?"


"The princess I know would have argued back there."

"Good thing you don't know me then."

Her words frustrated me. She's giving up, she's lost her fight and I can't let that continue to happen.

Opening the doors to her room as she walks in, I swiftly follow her in; closing and locking the door. 


"Hit me." I demanded, walking up to her as I remove my shirt and discard it on the floor.

"What?" She questioned, confusion painting her features.

"Hit me Syn, now." I ordered again.

She hesitated for a moment longer before she raises her hands, pounding furiously at my chest and stomach. 

I allow her to release some of her frustration on me her hair a frizzy mess once she stop, her breathing fast and heavy.

I grab both of her wrists, holding them to my chest as I peer down at her.

Her big brown eyes wild and dilated.

"I need you to remember you're in control princess. "

Her breathing finally steadies before she speaks.

"I don't feel like I am. Everything is being done and dictated for me and I have no other choice but to go along with it."

"Not everything." I mutter lowly into her ear before I lower myself to my knees  in front of Syn; he eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"I'm at your mercy princess."

I like dettt ;)
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