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**short chapter**

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**short chapter**

Syn's personality is like fuel to my flame. She's observant and she's slowly learning what exactly it takes to set me off.

My usual cold and seemingly closed off demeanor only motivates her further. It scares me how easily Syn can upset me.

She's brave and extremely straightforward with what she wants just like she's said and she has proven that to be true countless times.

As we head back to her chambers from the library after she royally fucked Xion moments before, right infront of me.

I'd be lying if I say I wasn't affected by her act, both negatively and positively. I got off on how confident she was in her skin to be naked infront of us, how beautiful the faces and noises she made through it all.

The negative aspect of it being her denial, as well as how comfortable she was with Xion and even with Eren a few nights ago.

Does she not feel anything at all for me or am I just a toy to her? Merely an object here to satisfy her sexually?

I've never gone as far as to manifest such thoughts or feelings for someone, let alone have them affect me in such a way.

Syn is driving me insane.


Xion has gone to the guards quarters seen as I've rotated shifts with him now. Syn continuing to ignore me as we now approach her bedroom door.

She enters the room and goes to slam the door in my face like she usually does before I hold my hand out to stop it.

"Syn-" I try to speak to her but she cuts me off.

"Address me formally." She orders, all seriousness in her tone.

I'm taken aback by it but I do as she says nevertheless.

"My apologies, princess." I corrected.

She raises her perfectly trimmed brow waiting for me to continue.

"Can I come in to talk? Perhaps establish something between us?" I inquire hopefully.

"Don't you have to go fuck Verena?" she claps back announce lacing her words.

I run a hand through my hair, frustrated before I speak again.

"Let me in Syn." I order, trying to push past her but she holds her ground confidently.

"I said to address me formally."

My anger building by the second before I push the door open, Syn stumbling backwards in the process as I slam the door shut behind me.

Walking over to her as shock painted her expression, I placed a hand on her jaw; gripping her face and forcing her ro stare up at me.

I peer down at her large brown orbs before I finally speak through gritted teeth.

"The only woman I want to fuck is you Syn."

He eyes widen at my words before a slowly release her face.

"Verena is nothing to me." I explained.

"Yeah, I guess you just tell every woman that you'll meet them later then?" she claps back before turning to walk away.

"You misunderstood the situation, it's not like that."

Spinning back around before she snaps at me again.

"Then what is it like Slade?!"

I inhale deeply to ease my nerves falling silent for a moment before she speaks again.

"Figures. Get out." she orders before taking a seat at her vanity and lifting her hairbrush.

"Her family took me in after my mother died."

Syn pauses her actions, lowering her hand that held her brush as she looked at me through her mirror.

Her expression now changing to one of sadness and regret.

"Slade I'm-"

"I'm willing to open up to you about my life Syn but I'm just not ready yet." I confessed as I walk up behind her, still holding eye contact in the mirror.

"I understand." she replies her voice low.

The room falls silent as I take the brush from her hand. Her hair is now in a straightend state which confuses be since it bounced with curls a day before.

Brushing her hair as I watch the tangles disappear with each stroke when Syn breaks the silence.

"What were you and Verena going to talk about then? You can at least answer that." she inquires as I place the brush on her vanity.

"She wants me to move back to Emparal and carry out the duty of being the head of the national guard." I admitted truthfully.

Ever since Verena found out that she would one day be the duchess of Emparal after her cousin it's been her biggest obsession.

She would study for hours in the library about what her duties would entail and what possible changes she would make.

As the duchess she had power over the national guard and she promised to make me the the general of said guard.

I've told her countless times that wasn't necessary and it's not a responsibility I want to fulfill, but Verena who is much like her late father was controlling.

Wanting everything to go as she planned, so I packed up the moment I had the chance and moved here to Vidin.

Meeting Xion and Eren when I was nineteen years old during our earlier days of training.

"Are you going to go?" she questions, worry coating her voice.

"No, of course not." I answer truthfully as she wraps her thick hair into a bun.

I see an ounce of doubt cross her features and I lower myself beside her, I embrace her petite body from behind into a hug; placing a soft kiss on her temple before I speak again.

"I don't ever plan on leaving you Syn." I declared lowly into her ear.

She peers at me through the mirror before I see her break out into a warm smile, turning to plant a kiss against me lips.

I kiss her back with the same passion, holding her face in both my hands to deepen the kiss.

She pulls away indicating that she wants to get ready for bed; I leave her room, taking my place at her door.

fuck. she is going to ruin me.

as she should!
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