Chapter 14 - Mckayla's Plan

Start from the beginning

"Wow, you look nice," Derrick complimented her.

"Not bad yourself," McKayla responded with a playful grin, her eyes tracing his physique appreciatively. Derrick wore a black muscle t-shirt that showcased his muscular body and complemented his style. Paired with blue jeans, he struck the perfect balance between casual and relaxed, always appearing effortlessly put-together.

"You're just in time. I was about to make dinner. You can help," Derrick said as he led the way to the kitchen, and McKayla followed.

"Wow, you can cook?" McKayla asked, washing her hands in the kitchen sink.

"That's such a sexist statement, McKayla. You seem surprised I can cook because I'm a guy? My mom taught us that every human being needs to learn cooking, cleaning, and other life skills regardless of gender."

"Your mom did a good job on you then. How can I help?" McKayla asked, eager to contribute.

Derrick handed her the potatoes and instructed her to cut them into slices. "I'm making wild roasted salmon with potatoes," he declared.

"I have to admit, I'm impressed," Mckayla said, flashing a teasing smile. "You're a man of many talents, Derrick."

He chuckled, the sound filling the air with warmth. "Well, I believe in being self-sufficient and learning a variety of skills. Besides, cooking is a great way to unwind after a long day of studying law."

McKayla nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, and it's also a great way to impress someone," she said playfully, glancing at him from the corner of her eye.

Derrick smirked, catching her drift. "Oh, is that so? Well then, I hope you're ready to be thoroughly impressed," he replied, the flirtatious tone in his voice not lost on her.

As they continued to cook together, their playful banter continued. McKayla felt more at ease, her initial shyness melting away in Derrick's company. They shared stories and laughter, creating a natural and comfortable camaraderie.

When dinner was finally ready, they sat at the table, the delicious aroma of roasted salmon and potatoes filling the air. They continued their conversation, and McKayla admired Derrick's commitment to the Black Lives Matter movement—his devotion to the cause aligned with her beliefs.

"You're really making a difference with your advocacy work, Derrick," McKayla said with admiration.

Derrick humbly shrugged. "I'm just doing my part to stand up for what's right," he replied.

After dinner, they moved to the couch, sinking into the plush cushions. The scented candles cast a soft glow around them, adding to the moment's intimacy.

"You know, Derrick, I've heard a lot about you, but I must admit, you're surprising me," McKayla confessed, her shy smile revealing her genuine interest.

Derrick chuckled; his usual suave demeanor softened by her presence. "Well, McKayla, maybe there's more to me than meets the eye," he said, a touch of vulnerability in his response.

She subtly leaned in closer, allowing their arms to touch. Derrick didn't seem to mind, responding with a playful smile.

Her mind raced with conflicting emotions. Part of her knew her plan was deceitful and wrong, but she couldn't shake the fear of losing the financial stability she had always relied on. This internal struggle made her even more determined to make this night work.

Summoning her courage, McKayla looked deeply into Derrick's eyes and let her hand gently touch his cheek. "I've been pondering about us," she whispered, "about you and me."

Derrick's expression softened, and he gazed back at her with curiosity. "Tell me what you're thinking," he encouraged.

McKayla took a deep breath, the weight of her decision heavy on her heart. "I want us to be closer." McKayla leaned in, and their lips met in a tender kiss.

With that, Derrick took the lead, kissing her ferociously. His tongue was dancing with hers. Mckayla was feeling the heat in her belly grow hotter. She could feel herself getting wet.

Derrick broke the kiss and began to kiss Mckayla's neck, sending shivers down her spine. Her hands explored his head and back, pulling him closer. With a sense of urgency, she removed his shirt, revealing his chiseled body.

Their bodies pressed against each other, and Derrick's lips found hers again while his hands explored her luscious curve.


Seriously Mckayla what are you doing!!!!! 🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️

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