Chapter 26; Kitsune and Butterflies.

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Heads up, Naruto's summoning contract: Kitsune.

They can breathe fire, shapeshift, illusion, create natural disasters, fly, be invisible, and know things happening at more than a thousand miles distance.

Basically, they are REALLY powerful.


It was another day.

Naruto woke up, his vision swimming. 

Kakashi had made his ninken bring four mattresses for them. Nikumi couldn't help but feel guilty for forgetting the arrangements for sleeping.

She had apologized furiously and Kakashi waved her off, sweatdropping.

Recollecting his travel and the building from yesterday, he sighed. Today was going to be a long day as well.

He tried to move but his muscle pains greeted him.

'At least they're not as bad as they were yesterday,' he thought. 

Jee thanks, Kurama.

He got up from his bed, still sore but awake.

The window hinted that there was little time left before sunrise. 

He dodged the sleeping body of Kakashi on the floor but stopped at the sleeping figure of Sasuke.

Sasuke was usually seen with an ever-present scowl on his face, but at this moment, he looked so vulnerable and innocent.

Naruto could still see the traces of a scowl between his eyebrows. He touched the area between his eyebrows and tried to spread it apart.

Sasuke subconsciously relaxed at the sensation of his touch.

Naruto imagined him as a cute black cat. 

He had never truly looked at Sasuke before - at his porcelain skin, attractive features, and soft, dark hair.

Naruto couldn't help but stroke his hair.

No wonder every girl was head over heels for him. If he was a girl, he would be too.

He shook his head at that disturbing thought.

No way, Sasuke was his rival.

Sasuke stirred once and Naruto panicked. 

He impulsively shunshined, leaving a sleepy and confused Sasuke who could've sworn there was someone there.

 Naruto transported himself to the first place that came to his mind; the grass kage's backyard.

Yes, don't ask.

He was surrounded by lush greenery as the sun began to rise, casting a beautiful mix of orange, yellow, and red across the sky with a hint of grey clouds.

It was truly beautiful.

But Naruto's mind was somewhere else entirely.

He sat down, his heart pounding. His face felt hot and butterflies were in his stomach. Why was his heart beating so hard?

Why did he always feel this way when he was around Sasuke? What was this feeling that he had?

He shook his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts, then stood up. 

Well, he thought to himself, he could deal with that issue later, or at least he hoped he could.

He looked around and saw no one. He made the signs for his summoning contract and before him appeared a fox.

"Tatsuma, how are you?" Naruto bowed and smiled.

"I am fine, Naruto. What about you?" The fox said, his tails suddenly coming to life.

"Peachy," Naruto grinned cheekily.

"What do you need me for?" Tatsuma asked.

"Well, could you maybe keep me updated on everything around here? I want to infiltrate the Grass Kage's room so I'll have to keep an eye on the activity of soldiers and everything," Naruto explained.

"Alright, go ahead," the fox gave him a thumbs (tails?) up.

"Thanks." Naruto started running up the mansion walls.

'This is going to be fun.'

Tatsuma watched him go upwards and climb into the Grass Kage's window.

'This kid,' the fox shook his head.

His mind drifted back to the first time he met him.


2 months before the current time.

One Naruto Uzumaki was resting on the ground of an unused training ground. He had been training for at least three hours now and was utterly exhausted.

He was doing target practice. Since he was low on resources, he had transformed his clones into shuriken so he could practice without wasting money.

Suddenly he felt a chakra spike from inside him.

He got up.

"Kurama? What happened?" He inquired. He hoped he would get a response.

Instead what he got was a poof beside him.

A cloud of smoke cleared to reveal a three-tailed fox. He was small and looked frail.

The fox's intense gaze landed on him immediately and Naruto was half sure that it would attack him.

Instead, the fox bowed.

"Huh?" Naruto said, intelligently.

"He is my jinchuuriki." A voice boomed from inside him.

"Uhh, Kurama? What's happening?" Naruto asked again.

The fox got up. "I am a kitsune. And this is my summoning contract if you wish to sign it."

Naruto looked at him puzzled. "Why me? And I haven't heard of a Kitsune summoning contract. Though there are legends that there once existed such."

"You are our lord's jinchuuriki. He has deemed you worthy of our contract," the fox answered, simple and concise.

"I see," Naruto said.

"Aww, I knew Kurama didn't hate me," Naruto said happily.

The fox was taken aback by the casual reference made to the legendary nine-tailed fox.

"What can I call you? And also, how do you do this thing?" Naruto asked, walking around the scroll trying to make sense of something.

"Tatsuma. You can think about it if you want," the fox said.

"No, Kurama has finally trusted me on something. I can't let him down, believe it!" Naruto exclaimed.

"As you say. You have to sign this scroll with your blood," the fox instructed.

"Thanks." Naruto smiled.



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