Chapter 18; Teru

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"Gato has been killed."

The simple statement caused relief to come over the villager's expressions. The reign of the evil Gato had finally come to an end.

Families rejoiced and the poor people cheered.

Kakashi had gathered all the villagers under a tall tower in the village. 

"And he has been killed by someone unknown to us."

This caused them to wander among the old stories of the legendary hero of the village.

"The person who killed Gato has not revealed any cues to his/her identity. The bounty over Gato's head is due. Whoever killed him will receive a sum of 10,000."

The villagers were now shocked. That much money, they hadn't even heard of in a long time.

But, out of all the things they were, they were not thieves.

No one came forward.

"Alright then. The murderer is not among you, right?" Kakashi sighed.

The daimyo wanted someone to pay the bounty to. It was becoming increasingly difficult to locate the killer.

It was apparent that whoever killed Gato was not after the money. 

The killer must've done it out of spite or revenge. Or to help the poor people, though it was not likely.

Kakashi was almost sure that it was the former, no shinobi would go out of his/her way, risking their own lives, to protect people. 

But Kakashi also knew some people who would do exactly that. 

"Thank you for your time," he announced.

The crowd broke into loud lively chatter as everyone slowly moved to their daily tasks.

The village was no more filled with sadness. 

"Kakashi-sensei, why are we here?" Sakura asked.

"The one who killed Gato has to receive a sum of money, the bounty on Gato's head," Kakashi said.

"Maybe you should announce that in the public; you know, the sum of money and a private meeting place. Maybe he just doesn't want to show his face in the public," Sakura suggested helpfully.

"That is indeed a good idea. But the villagers and already curious about their hero. A few of them are bound to follow us."

"But you can reassign the place again once you meet him, right?" Sakura said again.

Kakashi could see why Sakura was the top kunoichi in the academy. She had the brains for sure.

"Well done, so we will do," Kakashi decided.

But something was weird; Naruto.

He was deathly quiet as they made their way through the streets. Even his footsteps didn't make a sound. You won't actually believe he was there until you saw him.

With Sasuke, it was normal that he remained so quiet, but with Naruto, it was very weird.

Naruto should've tried to put his opinion in the conversation at least two or three times now.

"Naruto, something on your mind?" he asked.

All attention focused on him as he was suddenly snapped from his trance.

"Huh? No, not really. It's just that I saw the killer last night."

"What?!" Kakashi suddenly stopped as he looked on at Naruto.

"I did. When he was traveling the trees. I was trying to climb one, when I collided with him,"

"Naruto, why didn't you tell me? How did you know it was him? How did he look? What was his name?" Kakashi questioned, all at once.

"Well, he was a pretty cool guy. We talked almost the whole night. He told me how he killed Gato and yeah, it checks out," Naruto said, as if he wasn't dropping bombshells of information on them.

"Could you meet him again, we have to give him the money," Kakashi was the first one to recover.

"Yeah sure."

'This kid,' Kakashi thought. 

He was so done with life.

"Teru. He told me to call him Teru."

"Come along then, we have a vigilante to meet."



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