Chapter 16; The Summoning Contract

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Hiruzen was battling his arch-nemesis. You may know what that is.

A fox-like creature abruptly made itself present in front of him. It tipped his head downwards in acknowledgment.

"The teacher of the Shinobi, I have a message from my summoner. The mist demon, Zabuza Momochi is asking for permission to join the village," The fox informed politely and formally.

'Is that a fox summon? There hasn't been a fox summoner in centuries!' Hiruzen thought.

"Who is your summoner?" Hiruzen asked.

"It is not for me to disclose. But I assure you that he wishes well for the village. He wants to help you," The summoned fox replied.

"Zabuza, of the seven swordsmen of the mist. Why?"

"He has been defeated in battle by sir and by promise, he will protect the village," the snake answered.

"How can I trust your summoner?" Hiruzen posed his question.

"He does not want to disclose his identity. He also wishes for a way he can get you to believe him."

"Is he willing to meet me?"

"He will."

"Have you ever signed a contract before with a human?"

"No, sir is our first," The fox said dryly.

"Now, if you excuse me; for I have fulfilled my purpose," it said.

It disappeared from wherever it came from.

The teacher of the shinobi thought about this sudden new ally the village had gained. 

Where had he come from? This was one of the many prominent questions that roamed his mind. He hoped he could trust this fox summoner. 

But first, he had his own battles to win. An excruciating reminder of paperwork was performed by his secretary.

He could do anything but sign papers all day. Damn Minato, died with the secret of defeating paperwork.

He gazed at his paperwork again. It was gleaming in the light, almost as if challenging him. He was going to get this damn thing done!


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