Chapter 1; Origin

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He entered the Hokage's office with the utmost quietness.

He was asked to bring the forbidden scroll of jutsus; (more like forced).

According to Mizuki, it was to pass the new 'genin exam', by which he could graduate from the academy without actually passing the graduation test.

Yeah, right.

He wasn't an idiot, he knew Mizuki wanted to steal the scroll. He was curious though, wanting to know Mizuki's purpose behind his bold quest. Plus, Mizuki wasn't very convincing at lying. 

His gut feeling said that Mizuki shouldn't be trusted. And he smelt of snakes, he assures that doesn't feel good at all.

Naruto searched the shelves, but it was nowhere to be found. He had to find it somehow.

This was his chance to defeat Mizuki, become a genin, and earn the Hokage's trust. 

The Hokage already trusted him, but he wanted to let the Hokage know that he was more than capable of becoming a genin and more.

He searched right and left for it but to no avail.

He did find himself with a letter. It had the Uzumaki binding in it.


 It was in the almirah which the Hokage hid in his floorboard. The creaking floor did not go unnoticed by him.

"How strange," he murmured to himself.

 It was certainly interesting to find something related to his clan in the Hokage's office. 

'Must be important,' he shrugged to himself as he went to open the binding.

However, a blood seal halted his actions.

'The one who made this scroll must be a genius, knowing seals of that rank is impressive.' He thought. 

This could be a well-protected secret. 

'Oh well, all the more reason to open it.'

He opened it by sinking a drop of his blood into it. 

It lighted up, and the light died down in seconds.

He scanned through the contents and found out that it was addressed to him. He would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised.

It read:

Dear Naruto, 

Son, this is your mother, The red-headed habanero. It was our wish not to let you know about this till you became chunin. I hope you are well.

I love you very much and I can't even begin to tell you how I regret not being with you. I love you and earnestly wish to give you the entire world and more, only if that was possible. 

But I will have to leave you, Naruto. Just know that I love you very much, Okay?

 I know it must not have been easy for you. The harsh glares, whispers, insults, I am so sorry. I am sorry. They'd never understand, y'know?

It is my duty, as the clan head's daughter to inform you about your heritage.

I have the kekkai Genkai of our clan: 'Adamantine Chains', and maybe, you will too.

These are pure chakra chains that shoot out from the holder's body when needed. But, it needs incredible chakra. Don't worry if you don't have them.

Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze: the clan GeniusWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu