Chapter 24; Potential of his 12-year Olds.

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Here is a new chapterrrrrrrr.

Drink water, stay safe, and relaxxxxxxxxx.

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The next day, Team 7 was required to be present on the site for inspection and help since the members were severely understaffed.

"Miss Irumi," Kakashi began, "In how many days would you like this project to be completed?" He was eyeing the plan of the architecture: a three-story building.

"As much as you want! A month would be the ideal time though. I am so sorry for such a short duration. For this project, I have saved all my life and we need to get the business rolling as soon as possible," she said.

"A month!" Sakura repeated, a little surprised.

"Is it too less?" Irina asked, unsure.

"No, no; not at all. On the contrary, my blonde friend here can help you do it in a week," she looked at Irina.

"How would that even be possible? There is no way this building could be made AND furnished in a week!" Irina was quite surprised.

Naruto gave her the best grin he had before making his favorite hand sign, "Tajuu Kage-Bunshin no jutsu!"

Puffs of smoke erupted from all over the barren area and, soon there were at least 200 Narutos, ready for instructions.

"Now, now," Kakashi started, " I wouldn't let my disciple take all the credit, would I?"

Kakashi called on his dogs. With their paws, they started laying the placement of bricks on the ground.

In 10 minutes, all of the structural plans had been lain by his faithful dogs.

Sasuke also helped here and there with his five shadow clones.

Kakashi was impressed with his students. Sakura made drinks rich in vitamins and minerals and also healed small injuries of the other laborers. The Narutos were hard at work.

The Sasuke clones had resigned to instruct the laborers where the placing of the next block should be. Because of his practical knowledge of basic things, he was pretty good at it.

He could see improvements in his team from just last week when they even refused to work with one another.

The growth was unbelievable. But this was his odd mixing of powerful students; the last Uchiha, holder of the nine-tails, and a kunoichi who had the potential to grow beyond anyone has imagined.

Yeah, he liked his team, thank you very much.

It was late and a little dark in the evening when Naruto's clones poofed and he sat on the ground to rest for some time.

"Oh, don't mind me... I will be back in five minutes..." Naruto said, a little out of breath.

And Kakashi wasn't surprised, maintaining shadow clones for this long was unheard of. 

What did shock him to the core was the potential of his 12-year students.

 Sakura had been continuously healing small injuries since the beginning of the day.

Sasuke and his clones had worked hard too.

He knew Naruto's chakra was large; but this large? 

Naruto had been going strong with 200 clones since morning and only stopped after 18 hours later. 

This was insane!

But he wasn't the only one surprised; in fact, the whole village had gathered to see them make the shop at some point in time.

Three weeks worth of work was done in one day, a day that wasn't even completed yet.

"Hey, um, Kakashi-san?" Irina began in an awed voice, "Can all ninjas do this?"

"Not at all! Just this special one," Kakashi smiled. He was genuinely proud of his students.

So much potential, they could even surpass the three sanin in the coming three years. 

Did he mention how proud of his students he was?

"Also, drop the san," he said told her.

"You guys are AWESOME!" someone from the crowd of 200 people that had been gathered, shouted.

The crowd started showering the team with praises and they were answered by cheerful smiles, thank yous, bowing, and nodding.

"THANK YOU" Sakura shouted back.

Only then did he notice his female student heading towards him with three cups worth of... Some liquid?

She handed one to Naruto, one to him, and one to Irina. Sasuke already had a cup in his hands from which he was drinking.

"Drink up everyone! This will help you regain your energy," she instructed.

His student had an interest in medical ninjutsu, he should probably give her scrolls when he gets to the village.

"It's time to get to my apartment!" Irina shouted over the noise.

"Let's go!" After drinking the liquid, Naruto regained a little of his strength and started to stand.

"Uh, guys, a little help here?" he asked when fell into a sitting position once again after trying to stand up multiple times.

"Dobe," Sasuke said, strictly, but also a little fondly as he went to pick him up.

'Nope, nope nope,' his mind chanted like a mantra, and his heartbeat quickened its pace.

It wasn't that he hated this feeling, far from the fact, it was because he loved it too much.

When his skin touched Sasuke, he felt sparks of electricity going up his spine. He loved this.

"Sasuke?" Kakashi waved at the now frozen genin.

"Hn, let's go," he moved to get ahead of them.

Sasuke was so sure Naruto had felt it too. This feeling... this was weird.

Okay, well, a LOT more intense. Naruto rested his head on Sasuke's shoulder and he panicked, almost melting.

His heartbeat was going into a frenzy as his cheeks grew hot. He felt too good to speak anything. This feeling was addictive.

He glanced behind him, his eyes met with Naruto's whiskers.

'What if I... touch them,' 

'No Sasuke, STOP IT,' he told himself.

'I will go to my mattress and sleep this out,' he made his plan and quickened his steps, his teammates and Irina following after.

Soon, they reached her house and slept on their respective mattresses.


Okay so this chapter is like extra extra long, longer than all the chapters in this book, and my hands are tired af.

Sooo let's call it a day.

Drink water and Don't forget to Vote and Comment.


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