- The Acez -

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[Korean, Mandarin, English, Japanese]

[Heeseung POV]

I watch Minji closely as she walks around our dorm, helping my other members set up the small area where we'll be going live. She's talking quietly with Jungwon and Jake, both boys giggling at something she says. I rest my chin on my hand as I watch them from the kitchen, startling when Jay nudges me.

"Why don't you just go over there?" He asks, leaning on the counter next to me.

"I want her to get to spend more time with them, they missed her as much as she missed them." I say, shrugging my shoulders as I straighten. Jay scoffs, shaking his head.

"You two are dating now, you don't need to give her space like this anymore." He says, nudging my shoulder again before walking over to where Minji, Jungwon and Jake have started bickering.

I think back to the contract that Bang Si-Hyuk had gotten us to sign, dropping my head into my hands.

For the next 3 years, the entire contract period, both participants will be required to film a live video on any approved platform once every week. I read through the document, stealing glances at Minji as she reads through the paper in her hands. She's started frowning at the words, her hazel eyes quickly scanning the pages. I don't like the idea of being controlled in our relationship but if it means that I get to be with her, I'll sign anything they want me to. As long as she's happy with the results.

If the couple breaks up during the contract period then they will be required to continue their agreed upon schedule until the 3 years have ended, when we will then make the break up announcement. If the couple stays together until the end of the contract period then another contract will be discussed.

I run a hand through my hair, returning my attention back to Minji as she stands with my friends. Her eyes meet mine and she smiles, walking over to where I stand in the kitchen. She lightly bumps my hip with hers, leaning with her elbows on the counter next to me.

"Still thinking about the contract?" She asks, tilting her head at me.

I had missed that habit after she left I-Land, missed her energy around me. I remember during the last week, when the rest of the trainees showed up, I had been looking for her face in the group. But she wasn't there. None of the other boys knew where she was, even her own brother hadn't heard from her. When we all gathered to talk and ask and answer questions, everyone decided to gang up on me.

"Heeseung, you have to answer the question truthfully." K pointed at me, leaning forward in his seat to look at me around the other boys that sit in between us. The other boys lean forward too, waiting to hear what he'll ask me.

"Okay." I say, nodding. I hold my pillow tightly as I wait anxiously to hear the older boys question.

"Do you like Minji?" He asked, his face breaking into a wide grin. Nicholas stands, clearly holding back a smile as he rolls up his sleeves, narrowing his eyes at me. I instinctively covered my face with my sleeves, feeling my cheeks and ears growing hot. The boys all laugh around me, a few of them tugging on my sleeves to try and get an answer out of me.

"Come on, you have to answer!" Sunoo shouts excitedly from across the room, I slowly bring my sleeves away from my face. They all pause in anticipation, waiting for my answer. My eyes meet with Nicholas' as he stands, a smile making his eyes sparkle in the same way that Minji's do when she's trying not to smile.

"Yes." I say quickly, covering my face again with a pillow. I lean back on the couch as the room erupts in chaos, the boys all cheering at my answer. It takes a few minutes before they settle down, moving on to tease another boy. I never quite recovered from the embarrassment, my ears stayed red for the rest of that day.

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