- First Meeting -

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[Korean, Mandarin, English, Japanese]

I roll onto my back, sighing as I stare at my ceiling. I hadn't slept since I had gotten back to my dorm a couple days ago, everytime I closed my eyes I would dream that I was back in I-Land and it just made me sad. 

I had just gotten back from the gym and showered, flopping onto my bed as I waited for my hair to dry. I had started reading through some of the comments that people were leaving about my elimination and I couldn't help but laugh at some of them. People are more upset than I am about my elimination. 

My phone chimes as a text comes in from my manager, I frown as I open it. 


World's Best Manager

Minji, the CEO would like to meet with you today

Did I do something wrong?

I don't think so, I was just told that he wants to meet with you in an hour to "talk about your future with the company"

Well...that sounds pretty ominous

Just get ready and be at the company in an hour


I sit up from my bed and stare at my phone screen, not fully sure what to think about having a meeting with the CEO. A small part of me feels like he's going to send me back to the US.

I take a deep breath as I stand in front of Bang Si-Hyuk's office door, trying to calm my beating heart. I knock, a voice responding shortly after. I push open the door and walk into the office, bowing deeply to Bang Si-Hyuk. He motions to a chair across from him, smiling at me as I position myself in the seat. 

"How are you, Minji?" He asks, clasping his hands together on his desk. 

"I'm still trying to get used to living in a dorm alone again." I chuckle nervously, wringing my hands as they sit in my lap. 

"It must be a difficult adjustment." He says, almost sympathetically. I nod, not sure what to say next. He leans back in his chair, looking at me over his glasses. 

"Minji, the reason that I wanted to meet with you, and the reason that you were eliminated from I-Land," He pulls his glasses off and sets them on his desk, "I would like to debut you in a group almost immediately." He finishes, watching my reaction. I stare at him, my mouth open. 

"I'm sorry?" I say, feeling kind of like this is some kind of trick. Bang Si-Hyuk chuckles at my reaction, leaning forward on his desk again. 

"It would be a co-ed group, we already have the members selected. You are the final member that I want to be in this group. You would be meeting the other three members in a few days." He says seriously, I put a hand over my mouth. 

"Really? I could debut in a group?" I ask, barely able to contain the excitement in my voice. He smiles, nodding his head slowly. 

"Would you like to?" He asks, I have to stop myself from laughing directly in his face.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." I say, barely sitting still in my chair. Bang Si-Hyuk stands to walk me to the door, shaking my hand before congratulating me and sending me on my way. 

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