- The Ground -

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We all walk through the gate together, now dressed in our all-black uniforms. I tie my hair up as we enter the building, brushing my baby hairs back away from my face. 

"Wow, your hair is so long, Minji!" Sunoo says, playing with the strands. I smile at him, swinging the rest of the ponytail around for him to look at. 

"It used to be blue but I dyed it black for I-Land." I say, playing with it. 

"We're back." Hanbin says, clapping his hands. 

"Good Morning Ground." I say dramatically, bowing to all four corners of the room. Taki laughs at my actions, copying me. A few of the boys start stretching and I follow, sliding into the splits. Sunoo gasps at me and almost all of the attention turns to me as I lift my back foot to stretch my leg. I tilt my head back and almost touch my toe to the top of my head, 

"You're so flexible!" Hanbin exclaims, I grin at him in the mirror.

"I was a gymnast for a long time." I explain, twisting to stretch my other leg.

"Wow." Sunoo says as he stretches next to me, I stand to stretch my back and my arms.

"I am ground." Ej mutters as he rolls his neck, I try to hold my laugh but I can't. A couple of the boys jump at the sudden outbursts, confused as I point at EJ.

"She's gone crazy." Taki says under his breath.

"Did nobody else hear him?" I say between laughs, looking around. I mimic what EJ did and they laugh. 

After a few minutes of half-assed stretching, I clap my hands, impatient for the challenge to start. I can't help but shout when an alarm goes off, jumping behind Sunoo. We're told that the first test will be starting soon, a choreography video appearing on the screen in front of me.

I jump up and down in excitement as I watch the video, my body moving along as I try to learn the moves. I had been waiting to learn new choreography.


"I really enjoyed the song, and the dance was totally my style." Minji's shoulders go up as she excitedly bounces in her seat, her nose scrunching with her smile. 


The voice reminds us that until there are dropouts from I-Land, we will not have to chance to even perform. We will have to turn in a practice video every day for the producers.

I clap my hands and stand in front of the group, looking each of them in the eyes.

"Let's start our practice then and get out of here huh?" I say with a small smile, the boys nod. If anybody is eliminated from I-Land then the producers will have to pick who will replace them from the Ground, this also means that there's a possibility for there to be no elimination. 


"Even if there's only one person who goes to the I-Land, that person has to be me. I promised myself that I wouldn't stay here." Minji is serious once again, staring directly into the camera.


We all sit in a group in the center of the room, one of the boys holding the only tablet that we have.

"We only have one tablet so, someone who can learn choreography really fast should learn the moves and then they can teach it to the rest of us." Says Jaeho, the rest of us nod in agreement. I lean on Sunoo's shoulder, both of us standing at the edge of the group. 

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