Chapter 8

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King pov

"Can you both just hurry the fuck up and get out of my car?" I asked with a frustrated scowl as Toba and Eniola took their precious time to get the fuck out.

I guess it was my fault for trying to be nice and dropping them in school myself

"My love please tell this your brother to be calming down oh. Because he has Lamborghini we will not hear word again."

"It's the attitude for me sha" Toba rolled her eyes still searching her bag for sonething while Eni just stared at me.

That girl was created to be a nuisance for real because I really didn't understand how she always managed to successfully get under my skin every damn time.

"Toba, I'll be late for school. I have a test today. Can you be a pest some other time?" I sighed, finally resorting to begging

She rolled her eyes "fine. Lee, let's go"

"You know he's lying right? Even if he did have a test, he wouldn't care"

"You're speaking to me like we didn't come out from the same womb and I haven't been living with him for over 15 years"

"You people should really find something better to do than annoy every person you meet. You especially, Eniola"

"Me? You're talking to me like that? I'll just stand in front of your car and prevent you from leaving"

"And who says I can't run you over?"

"Oya Oya, let's go." Toba dragged her friend away from my car and in an instant, I was gone.

I got to my university pretty early since I didn't have classes till noon.

I had just turned 19 and I was in my 2nd year in the university, studying chemical engineering.

I got out of the car and walked around slowly and quietly that if you weren't an observant person, you wouldn't have noticed me at all.

I had no friends, not because I was ugly or anything.

People were evil. People are evil.
People hurt you, people break you.

I didn't want to form any bonds whatsoever. I wasn't interested in making any new friends.

I just wanted to be alone and on my own

With my thoughts
With my fears.

I got to the court area the school possessed and paused, placing my hands deep into the pockets of my cargo pants.

Basketball... that was my safe space.

For others it could be music or dance, mine was basketball.

I loved the sport. Even wanted to pursue a career in it.

It fueled me, made me happy.

It removed thoughts from my mind

Because on that court, it was just me and my ball. Nothing else.

No memories of past mistakes

No memories of the hurt I've felt and lived through

No reminder of the position I was in.

It was just me and my ball against the world, against all odds

"Yo, My man" Bentley came out from nowhere and I turned to him.

He had a small plastic bag in his hands and I couldn't take my eyes off it no matter how hard I tried.

"What you doing here all alone bro?" He asked and I looked at him.

His eyes were red and swollen and he had this lazy smile on his lips

I clenched my jaws


I was trying to be better
For her

For them

"What do you want Bentley?" I asked tearing my gaze from him and looking at the pavement

"Just came to see how my buddy is doing... you know, since your last purchase. Are you fine?" He asked and I nodded

"Are you sure?" He asked again, bringing the plastic bag close to my face.


"Stop it King. You can't succeed with this holy boy bullshit you're trying to do. Just buy it. This one is brand new and fresh. It'll take it all away my guy."

My mind was racing

Heart pounding

I couldn't think

With the arguments in my head

"It'll take it all away." Bentley grinned, swinging the bag on my face and I snatched it from him

"I'll send the money" I grumbles before stuffing the bag in my jacket and going to a more secluded area...

I brought out the bag and opened it, taking a whiff of the goods and I couldn't help but moan in satisfaction.

"Fuck" I cursed already hating myself for going back after a whole month

Bringing out a small paper and a lighter, I made it so it'll be easy for me to smoke.

Without thinking any further, I was inhaling smoke and breathing it out.

It felt so good

Bent was right.

I leaned my head back on the wall and closed my eyes shut, taking another drag.

I hated myself at that moment and it scared me because it felt like I was never ever going to be able to stop

As the smoke left my lips, I let my tears roll down my face

I hated how weak I was

I just wanted to forget everything

Short chapter, I know...

I'm sorry🤧

Y'all meet King oh

Toba's brother


Just a little insight on his life sha...

Well, don't forget to comment and vote and share to your wattpad friends

Till next time

<3 Ria

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