Chapter 2

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Song for the chapter >> Titanium by Sia


"Hey," I smiled sitting next to my best friend who struggled to smile back

It was obvious she was masking her pain again but having known her for more than four years it was easy to detect something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" I asked cautiously after a while of silence.

For a second, I thought she didn't hear me because she didn't reply immediately but then she shook her head 'no'

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked placing my hands over hers.

I wasn't even the touchy type, but I was a different person with her.

"No" She said so softly that if I wasn't sitting next to her, I wouldn't have heard her.

I nodded my head and let her rest her head on her desk

Something was obviously wrong with her. It made me feel sad because I actually thought she was getting better. I thought she was in a better place.

It didn't take a long time for me to realize she was crying when I saw her shoulders shaking a bit.

Instinctively, my hand reached out to her shoulder, calmly stroking it as if to tell her it'll be okay

I didn't even know what was wrong with her. I didn't know what happened but I knew it was serious and I couldn't force her to tell me because of her state.

It hurt me to see her like that.

My best friend, the only person that had always been there for me,  but my anger weighed more than my pain.

Anytime she was sad or broken like that, I just I had this urge to hit something.

It annoyed me how bad things always happen to good people.

She was such a good person, such an amazing soul and she had been through so much emotionally

I usually never had soft spots for people but with Toba, it had always been easy.

She was a ball of light and I always wanted to protect her from everything because she deserved everything good.

She had been there for me during tough times, during sad times.

She had been that one person that I could always turn to... that anyone could always turn to.

She was an amazing friend and I admired her because she never gave up on me, because she never let me down, because she always believed in me


I laid calmly in my bed staring at the ceiling and just listening to my heart beating.

I was alone in the house and mother still hadn't gotten back from work. Reminiscing on the events of the past three years, I sighed.

Mom had come back into my life and she took away my happiness, she took me away from my dad and my sister.

I felt so different in my own skin like an entirely different person.

I always hated mom and never liked her.
We were always fighting and arguing. We never really saw eye to eye.

The only person I ever told about my parents separation was Toba although it didn't really matter because the whole school later came to find out

She was the only person I trusted enough with it
Even if I hate to admit it, I was soft and fragile in the inside and that's probably what drew Toba to me.

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