Chapter 14

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Song for the chapter ~ Where we started by Katy Perry and somebody😭😭❤

Toba POV

"We're here miss." Mr Yusuf spoke but I remained still.

I stared at the building in front of me through the tinted windows, feeling a little agitated.

I had been stalling my coming back here but it was inevitable.

I took a long breath in before stepping out of the car.

"Have a good day." Mr Yusuf smiled but when I tried to mirror his expression, it came out sad.

It had been 2 weeks since my birthday.

Exams had just started and I was back in Richworth High.

I was sure, the news of my attempted suicide must've travelled through the school and even beyond.

After a few nights in the hospital, mom and dad came back to Nigeria.

She was fucking pissed.

Dad remained quiet. He barely even looked my way.

He didn't ask how I was or if anything hurt.

He remained quiet and I hated it.

There was no reaction from him and it made me feel terrible.

It made me feel like the villain in the story.

It made me believe Eni.
Made me believe that I was selfish...

I walked into the hallway and soon, heads were turning my way as people whispered.

I hated the look of pity that was displayed on their faces.

"Hey," Chi and Bola approached me with a sad smile


"How are you feeling? We heard what happened. Are you okay?" Chioma spoke and I gave a short sigh

Was I Okay?

I wasn't okay

I had never ever been okay.

Nothing was Okay!

I just wanted to scream and pull out my hair.

I wanted to cry till I was empty.

I had been doing that a lot but it still wasn't enough.

"I'm fine." I smiled at them but I couldn't ignore the tiny voice at the back of my head that kept calling me a hypocrite.

Maybe that was exactly what I was.

A hypocrite.

"You're not in any pain or anything right?" Bola asked bit I shook my head, slowly backing away from them

"I'm fine, really."

I'm dying really...

I continued my journey to my locker when Oma and Nita came over to me

"Hey, how are you now?" Oma smiled warmly at me.

I always loved that girl. She was so real and straightforward.

"I'm better, thank you. I got your letters" I chuckled a bit and she smiled

"Glad you liked them."

"I'm sorry I couldn't visit you though. I was just-"

"No, it's fine. I understand" I smiled at Nita who returned it.

"We'll see you soon." Oma said as she pulled Nita away.

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