Chapter 28

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Song of the chapter: Easy by DaniLeigh and Chris Brown

Feyishayo POV

I got to class earlier than usual today simply because there was barely any traffic.
I spotted Nuel in our seat and immediately went to sit by him.

"Why are you so early?" He asked with a small irk on his forehead.

"Why do you sound somewhat disappointed? I thought you wanted me coming to school earlier cause you didn't like me getting flogged." I gave him a tiny smirk and he stared at me with a stoic expression on his face

"I don't like when you get flogged cause your sad face makes me uncomfortable, not because I'd rather spend more time tolerating you."

That made my smile turn to a frown as I glared at him

"Why do you pretend like you don't care about me?"
"It's not pretense, love. I don't give a fuck about you. I wish I did, maybe why I act the way I do will make more sense"

I didn't know what else to say. I didn't want his words to affect me, but they did.

Even if Nuel and I weren't the best of friends, I thought we at least cared about each other but him disregarding that notion hurt me a little.

I left our seat and headed to the music and dance room. I was curious about how it looked so early in the morning.

It looked lovely as always and my eyes went to the piano right behind the glass window.
My feet started moving towards it and as soon as I got to it, my fingers caressed it ever so gently.

It was so beautiful, so aesthetic, so ancient and majestic.

It made me think back, It made me reminisce about moments that would never happen again.

I wished I could play, wished I could make it make those lovely sounds that coerced me to dance.
I leaned against the window frame, enjoying the calm moments of silence before the first bell sounded.

I returned to sitting next to Nuel and made sure not to talk to him till the end of the class but he apparently had other plans.

"Where did you go?" He asked without even looking at me and there was a 5.0988 second debate in my head on whether to ignore him or not

"How is that any of your business?" I glared at him

"It's not, just curious. You don't have that many friends."
His transparency killed me sometimes. He was always so plain and honest, never knowing when to coat his words. He always just said things as they were not minding if the person on the receiving end would be hurt.

"I was talking to a boy." I didn't know why I said that, my guess now is that I was trying to get some kind of reaction from him.

He remained quiet for a bit before he continued writing in his notebook
"I was going to ask who but that's none of my business. Anyway, I personally think that with the way your grades are right now, you shouldn't have any business with any boy unless you're satisfied with failing."

"Failing? I've never gotten a D!" I almost yelled, but held myself together.
This guy brings out the uncultured side of me and I hated it.

"I'm surprised you're satisfied with C's and B's"

"Well not everyone is an arrogant genius who only knows so much because he can afford so much help from lesson teachers." I glared at him, aching to turn his head towards me so he could see the anger in my eyes.

He didn't say anything after that and I was relieved cause I was so close to blowing up on him.

The class ended not long after then and I was the first to leave for lunch.

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