Chapter 23

44 8 19

Song for the chapter - Devil doesn't bargain


"Have a good day ma'am." My driver said to me as I got down from the car.

It was another day of school, another day to hold my head high and pretend like I'm fine. Another day to put on my mask and not let anyone see through me, see the pain and the hurt that I had been feeling for a while.

I walked into the halls with my head high as usual, my heels were clinking  against the tiled floors.

My eyes darted to Nifemi and his friends who were by a locker talking and laughing and my resolve almost broke. I had to put extra effort into keeping a passive face and not stumbling over myself. I often hated the power he had over me or rather the power I let him wield over me and at the same time, I loved it

The first weeks of our relationship were beautiful. I never thought I could ever feel so fulfilled and content and happy. I was really happy, the happiest I had been in years.

We had deep and intense conversations, we spoke about random nonsense, we went on dates, he held my hands, gave me little intimate touches, he just made me feel so special.

He was exactly how I wanted him to be and I was living in the moment way too much that I didn't realize that it was some type of red flag because nobody is perfect.

He was playing his cards right and i loved it way too much.

It had been a week. A full week since he spoke to me last, since he even acknowledged my presence.

For the first few days, when I tried speaking to him, he'd brush me off saying that he was busy with studying or he wasn't in a good mood.

He tried to pin it on the upcoming WAEC but it seemed like there was more to the story.

He was talking to everybody else so it didn't make any sense. I missed him a lot, but I also tried to be understanding. I didn't want to come off as needy or insensitive.

I got to my locker, trying to stop my hands from trembling as I placed my laptop in there.

Benita came up to me, "hey babe" she smiled, holding the small of my back in a friendly hug. I just gave a loud sigh, trying to tell her that I wasn't in the mood to talk.

It had been 2 weeks since I and Nifemi's last date night. The night when he changed me. The night that he marked me and connected our souls forever.

I loved every part of it even if it wasn't all that. It was in a small bathroom stall but it was more special than anything, he made me feel so special and loved and wanted.

I always imagined my first time in a room, beautifully decorated with flowers but I realized all that didn't matter because Nifemi truly loved me and that was the only important thing.

And i loved him as well, I loved him so hard that I started getting blind.

I shut my locker and headed for my first class with Benita beside me telling me about her most recent conquest but my mind was somewhere else entirely.

My mind kept wandering towards him, I couldn't control thinking about him.

I believed he was my soulmate because it felt like he was put on earth just for me, to save me, to heal me.

I wasn't prepared for his switch up, I really wasn't.

I tried to get his attention in  the way stupid ways possible, Benita and I literally created fake fight scenes just to get him to talk to me. But not once did he intervene or come to check on me.

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