Chapter 3

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Song for the chapter >> Real life by Burna boy 💎❤


I was standing in the balcony of the new house mom and I moved into, admiring the beauty that was Lagos.

It was so calm and peaceful, almost like no one was living in the whole state... or maybe that was just because of our house location.

The estate could pretty much be a graveyard. I couldn't even see anyone come out of their houses.

Leaving Abuja 3 weeks ago made me feel so eager to see the entire world even when I was merely going to another state. I loved Abuja, I loved the people, the houses, the places, the parties... but I just had a feeling Lagos would open my eyes and mind wider than it already was.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed when a black Land Rover drove into the compound of the house almost directly opposite mine.
The driver parked the car and soon three people where alighting the vehicle- the dad, the mother and the girl that looked around my age.

The driver handed the key to the dad and left.
I kept on watching them, my eyes keen with interest as I had nothing else to do.

The mom walked over with the girl but made sure to keep a safe distance between them.

"Where is it?" I could barely hear her ask. The girl's brows gathered as if she was confused which made the other ladies speak

"The phone" she said sternly and soon, the smaller female was handing the older one a phone.
She collected the phone and gave the girl a bad eye like she was some piece of shit, before muttering something in another language and walking through the front doors of the duplex.

My eyes remained fixed on her... even squinting to get a better view of her facial expression.

The look on her face gave me chills.
She had no look on her face. She was as stoic as stoic can be.

Her eyes remained trained on the door and goosebumps sprouted on my skin when I saw how lifeless they were.
She looked so numb... So unreadable and broken.

Just then, her head whipped towards me to see a figure standing in the balcony of the newly constructed building.

I gulped a little bit embarrassed that I was caught. I gave a nervous smile even if I was almost positive that she couldn't see my face.
Her brows raised for the longest three seconds ever before she spun on her heel and walked majestically into her home.


"Have a great day honey" Mom said when I came down from the car and I waved at her "Bye mom" I shut the car door and walked slowly into the gates of Richworth High.

According to Mom, It was the best school in Lagos or at least part of the best schools in Lagos.

It had always been me and mom. My dad... was a very busy person. He was never in the country, always moving from meeting to meeting. So I never really got to know who my father was.

Mom said he was a good man though. She never failed to tell me stories about him. She loved him so much that it hurt.

Anyway, for 2 years straight it has just been me and my mom. She was my best friend, always there for me, always caring for me. She never made me feel the absence of my father. She was amazing, and I loved her more than life.

Without any further delay, I went straight to my new class- SS3B and took my seat at the back of the class.
The class was almost empty by the way, did i come too ealy? I wondered.
It was almost 8:30 am and we were supposed to have our first class which was English when a group of four guys walked into the glass laughing.

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