Chapter 13

23 8 13

Song for the chapter ~ Stay by Sam Smith


It didn't take long before the news of Toba's suicide attempt spread through Richworth.

It was the latest gist in school. Everybody was talking about it, both juniors and seniors and it irked me to the core.

She had been staying in the hospital for a while.

I hadn't even spoken to her since the whole thing happened.

I remembered walking into her room that day right behind King and I just froze in my spot when I saw my best friend hanging from the ceiling with a rope around her fragile neck.

I didn't know what to do and I was so scared.

I hadn't been that scared since the day I left my father's house to live with my mom.

The memory of King and Ifeanyi rushing to help her down...

The fear on King's face...

The way he yelled at her to wake up when Ifeanyi gave her CPR...

The way my stomach dropped when she was pronounced dead in the hospital.

As the memories rushed back, I couldn't stop the pain that shot through my spine.

I couldn't believe she did that.

Didn't believe she could even think of doing that.

After all we had been through and the promises and plans we made...

The bell sounded and I took a breath in, gathering myself together and walking to class with my famous stoic expression.


We were having a free period and I was trying my best to not get pissed at everything everyone was doing.

I just wanted the class to be quiet but everyone else had other plans...

I finally settled on reading one of my chemistry textbooks after a long time of deliberating between reading or sleeping.

I chose the former because exams were around the corner.

A few seconds into studying, I heard a voice.

An annoying voice that always made me want to jump my bones.

"Hey QT" he drawled, leaving his minty breath on my face.

Thank his fucking stars he didn't smell like fish... I'd have fucked him up...

"Go away." I made it short and simple to understand but this was Ifeanyi, he didn't even understand what his name meant.

"Updates on Tee?" He asked in all seriousness and I sighed, shaking my head no without sparing my guy a glance.

"She'll be fine. Don't fret " he nudged me and I looked up to glare at him

"I know, piss off" I tried to sound polite and grateful... or did it come out wrong?

He gave me his signature sly smirk, reminding me that underneath that slightly sensible person, was a stupid idiot.

"So... whatcha doingggg?" He dragged, playing with the pages of my textbook and I closed my eyes.

I gave a silent prayer to not loose my cool because I was pretty damn close to snapping.

"Fuck off Ifeanyi" I gritted my teeth but he just smirked at me and it made goosebumps sprout on my fucking skin.

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