Chapter 6

43 13 7

Song for the chapter ~ Surrender by Natalie Taylor


I walked quietly into the music room and closed the door behind me in a haste.

I knew nobody would be in there because people didn't even enter the music room.

It was a beautiful place honestly, it was my best place in the entire school.

I loved how quiet it was. I loved the instruments, that I couldn't even play. I loved the mirrors that adorned every nook and cranny of the room. I simply just loved the serenity of the room

I sat on the floor at a corner, beside the open window that revealed the beautiful compound Richworth possessed.

I took a few breaths in trying to relax myself and rid myself of all the thoughts running in my mind

I wished things could be different

I wished I was a different person

I wished I had a different life, different parents, different friends, I wished I could just start over and be a new person

I wish I didn't have the memories I did

I wished I was still normal

I missed the old me.

The quiet and responsible me, the innocent and bubbly me. I missed the me that didn't look so sad all the time.

I missed the me that used to be so happy and carefree
I missed the me that she still loved.

The me that she still wanted.

I missed the me that wasn't such a disappointment, I missed the me that wasn't an embarrassment, I missed the me that wasn't irresponsible and careless and stupid.

I relaxed a bit, snuggling closer to the glass window beside me as tears began to prick my eyes and just then the door opened quietly and a boy walked in.

A very familiar looking boy if I might add.

He closed the door quietly behind him probably thinking no one was in the room.

It was funny because even when he turned around, he couldn't see me because of where I was sitting

I heard him sigh and make a bee line for the piano that sat in the music room like he had been waiting to touch it all day

He started humming a familiar tune and when his hands met the keys, my heart felt warmer as I recognized this song he was playing on the piano

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I love lloyiso" I said coming out of the place I was sitting.

Miracle gasped as he stood up immediately

" fuck" he cursed

"Where the fuck did you come from? What the fuck?" He stared in shock, obviously not expecting me to come out from a dark corner

"I was here before you. I like staying in the music room, calm down" I calmed him a bit and he kept staring at me strangely

"So you just come here and sit in dark corners?" He stared at me like I had 5 heads and I shrugged my shoulders

"You are one weird girl" he said with a smile and I shrugged my shoulders again

"Yeah I guess but I don't really care"

He stared at me for a while and I almost became uncomfortable

"What were you doing here by yourself?" He asked all of a sudden and I stared up at him

The Strength In Our ScarsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora