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After Sasuke was taken by Maito Gai who scolded the Uchiha for leaving without permit, Jiraiya and Naruto continued their journey. Sasuke had wondered why Naruto's not coming back but Naruto told him that the Sandaime had decided that because of the confusion he caused during the invasion, he's to stay away from Konoha in the meantime. The Uchiha was skeptical but has no choice but to accept his reasoning.

Naruto was still sluggish from his excessive use of ki but he's slowly building back up his strength. Jiraiya has been convening with the four inside the Shikon through Naruto on the best way to train his ki and how that will work with his chakra training and his Jinchuuriki training. So far it was slow going because they can't exit to show physically and Naruto had to meditate to do his mental training that he will then have to translate to live training.

Jiraiya had also asked the Toads if he could help Naruto train in Senjutsu.

Fukasaku hummed, "His ki training is the basis for Sage training. All priests and priestesses have to train their mind to focus preternaturally to increase their spiritual strength and reiki. The same goes for youki. We summons had not train in the way of youkai for a very long time and Naruto has the best teacher already teaching him in the way of the beast. These two ways that opposed each other actually find their harmony in chakra training,"

Jiraiya nodded as he watched Naruto meditate, "I see. The training for reiki is spiritual while the training for youki is physical. That does translate to what we do with chakra. Except ki is his very life force, even more than chakra. Like the Eight Gates," He gasped, "Perhaps! But then...this will be dangerous for the boy...but I think..."

Fukasaku looked at him, "What is it?"

Jiraiya looked at him, "I thought that perhaps the basis for the Eight Gates would help Naruto's ki training,"

Fukasaku's eyes widened, "That would be dangerous! But I can see where you're coming from. To use the Gates, one's life force had to be strong to endure the strength that opening the gates would bestow. Do you think it is wise to let such a young boy attain such strength? He's already a vessel for the most potent mass of chakra. Not to mention..." He dare not say it, "That boy is already a living relic of a time best forgotten. The burden of duty on his shoulder is immense,"

Jiraiya nodded, "Which is exactly the reason why he will need to be untouchable. The Kyuubi is a weapon of mass destruction, true, but he can always be sealed away or battled with using the other Bijuu. However, Naruto's duty is vital to our very existence. He cannot fail or falter,"

The elder toad hummed, "Indeed...even though I was not even an egg or a dream, Gamamaru-sama's memory of his own ancestor's telling is...a world none of us want returned,"

Jiraiya nodded. Naruto didn't need to go into detail. The power he hid within him was something that must never see the light of day and when the time come for a successor for this duty, they too cannot falter before temptation. Jiraiya gripped his fists. Even logically aware, Jiraiya can feel that tendril of temptation teasing his heart. A wish. A single wish that could right all the wrong that had ever occurred to him and to the people around him.

The Ogama Sennin's word that a single shard of the Shikon being capable to bring back the dead was something that Jiraiya knew anyone would try to get their hands on. Orochimaru, Danzo, the Daimyo, hell, even the common people would all clamor for a piece. To see the dead, the speak just one more time to their lost loved ones would be too great a temptation for just about anyone who had lost someone. A single shard could also grant immortality and immense strength. No. Naruto can never falter or lose.

He need to fortify not just his body but also his heart and his mind.

At the moment he's young and has yet to truly experience loss and despair. True, as a child he had already tasted suffering that came in the form of loneliness and isolation. But he has yet to feel the pain of losing someone beyond reach. After all, when he lose his parents he wasn't even aware or had any bond beyond sharing a blood and a name. Whatever bond he built was posthumous. However that made someone like Naruto all the more vulnerable to the pain of losing. For someone who had nothing to gain something, they will hold onto that something all the tighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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