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A wish had been made. A wish on an object so powerful the world's order shifted and transformed. Everything that was once known changed, evolved and transformed. Only those who had been around when the Great Shift happened remembered how the world used to be.

Great powers travelled the land. Human struggled as youkai, spirits of war and chaos, battled as a game. Lives were lost in this game but it does not matter for all that matter was the endless thrill of battle. Of the warmth of spilled blood and the shrill screams of the battlefield.

But even those who lived during the time of the Great Shift barely lives. Time discriminate no one. Soon tales of youkai and miko disappeared, became nothing more than fairytales. Then a different sort of power appeared with the arrival of an alien goddess from the stars.


The world's order shifted once more. Great battle arrived to the land once again and soon, ancient power will awaken yet again. With the fall of the last clan that recalled ancient history older than chakra, a precious treasure became lost. A relic of the past, the catalyst of it all remained and seeking...seeking for the next protector, the next guardian...

The next Uzumaki...

Uzumaki Naruto was just doing his chores. He had just been punished for his latest prank. He had to clean up the rotting fruits along the road leading to his school. He grumbled about the unfairness of it all when he felt like his neck has been pinched.

The 10 years old looked up, "Huh?"

He looked around, somehow sensing something. Something that managed to slip under the radar of Shinobi sensors in charge of the safety of Konohagakure. Not that the blond haired, blue eyes, whiskered child know this. To him, instinct was telling him to go this way. Having grown trusting his instinct, Naruto did just that. He followed the pull and suddenly he saw something twinkling in the dark. Curious, he ran for it and saw a bauble on the forest floor.

He knelt down, poking the bauble with open curiosity, "Weird..."

He picked up the curious bauble and lifted it against the moonlight. The colors within shifted from murky purple to brilliant pink. He gasped, "Pretty..."

Naruto didn't know what he was holding, only that he needed to keep it safe because it's pretty. He never have something pretty in his possession before so like all children decided that since he found it then it must belong to him. He didn't know that it was the most important relic that his ancestors of Uzushio had sworn to keep safe. A relic that must never fall into the hands of evil.

The great power slumbering within him opened his eyes...

Chakra and Ki met, mingled and combined. Naruto frowned in his sleep as the bauble floated from out of his fist and into his abdomen where a strange seal was etched into his skin...

Naruto opened his eyes to see a dome of kaleidoscope of colors. He frowned, he was sure he went to bed in his own home. Not...wherever this is. He sat up and looked around, trying to figure where he was. The ground was made of water that he somehow stood upon. He decided to walk, not noticing that beneath the reflection of the clear water under his feet are deep abyss filled with nightmares.

As he looked around, he heard humming. Not knowing where else he can go as there were no landmarks to turn to, he headed to the direction of the voice. There sat a miko, as he recognized the garb that those old women tending to the Hi no Jinja wear for every Shougatsu festival. She turned to look at him and he found that she was rather young. A polished yumi leaned against her right knee. She stared at him, her blue eyes wide.

Naruto fidgeted, " you know where we are?"

She stood up, picking up the yumi, and approached him. She reminded Naruto of his teacher, Umino Iruka, as she stood over him. She continued to stare before cooing, "Aw, it's a cute fox kit!"

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