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Naruto hates Genjutsu. Even though he practiced dispersing, his chakra was too vast to detect Genjutsu. The only reason and the only way he even noticed was because of his ki. However Genjutsu have certain types that would not disturb his ki. Like the one that was just cast, a neutral type that caused people to sleep.

But just because he noticed doesn't mean he can easily get out of it!

Luckily he has allies that help woke him up. Last thing he recalled after Shikamaru's fight with that Temari girl was Sasuke finally arriving to fight Gaara. He was...somewhat winning...but something happened and suddenly feathers fall from the sky. Naruto looked around and threw Hiraikotsu to advancing armies of Suna and Oto ninja.

They were sliced through like butter. He listened as Kakashi told him, Sakura, and Shikamaru to chase after Sasuke. Naruto made up his mind the moment he saw Pakkun, "I'm calling back up!"

Kakashi looked at him, "Back up?"

Naruto grinned, "We are at war and that means no holding back, dattebayo!" He started signing, "I, Inu, Tori, Saru, Hitsuji!" He slammed his hand to the ground, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

Shikamaru blinked, "He has a Summoning Contract?"

Four glowing lights appeared and formed right before him just as more enemy Shinobi appeared. Sakura tensed but they were sliced right through. She opened her eyes to see...

Kakashi gawked, "Sensei?!"

Minato, coral draconic horns and kitsune ears on his head as well as fox tail swishing behind him while sparkling with golden lightning from head to toe, looked at Kakashi, "Later Kashi-kun. Kushina!"

A red head with kitsune ears and four tails, smiled at him, brandishing a katana, "Come at me!"

The two then started cutting down enemies left and right. Familiar toxic green whip sliced through enemies' necks, beheading them with effortless grace. Inhuman golden eyes looked at Naruto, "Explain,"

Naruto snapped in attention, "We are being invaded, Sesshoumaru-sama!"

Sesshoumaru gave a lazy survey of his surrounding, "This Sesshoumaru can see that. You have decided to stop holding back?"

Naruto nodded, "Jiji...I mean Hokage-sama is trapped in that barrier!" He pointed at the obnoxious purple barrier with trees growing inside.

Sesshoumaru looked at the final person with him, "Miko,"

She, apparently a Miko, smirked, "That barrier? It's nothing when compared to the holy barrier of Mount Hakurei,"

Sesshoumaru looked at Naruto, "Do you have other mission?"

Naruto nodded, "Yeah but I thought I should lend a hand here too!"

Sesshoumaru huffed, "As expected of our Great and Terrible Sire's descendant. Go,"

Dismissed, Naruto looked at his teammates, "Let's go!"

Kakashi would love to ask for more clarification but golden lightning flashed all around, enemies dead before they even realized what was going on. He looked at the pale man, utterly inhuman in appearance, staring at the barrier. He looked at the Miko beside him, "Miko, nullify the barrier,"

She sighed, "Its Kagome. I hate it when you fall back to that General on the field persona of yours," But she prepared herself nonetheless. This isn't her first war and she knew better than to pick a fight in the middle of wartime chaos.

He grabbed her around the waist and leapt up. At the height of their ascend she created a glowing pink bow made of pure energy, though Kakashi can't sense any chakra, and shot at the barrier. Though he knew that it should be impossible, the single glowing arrow shatter the barrier.

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