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Jiraiya watched over Naruto as the boy practiced to form the Rasengan with one hand. He succeeded by creating a clone to help form the orb of energy but somehow trying to stabilize the orb with a single hand was hard. Perhaps because the boy's chakra coil was too large, perfect control will always be beyond him.

Jiraiya looked at the giant boomerang. Naruto has proof that youkai, true demons, not like chakra beast that Shinobi labeled demons like the Kyuubi, once walked the land. He literally lugged it around. Jiraiya tried to pick it up but it negated his chakra, rejecting him. Even though he's not a weak man, the weight of the boomerang made his muscles shake. Naruto was impressed though that he could even lift it. Turned out it used to be lighter but Naruto has been feeding the weapon ki.

This was because the weapon was once wielded by a Taijiya. A woman and mother of the Uzumaki Clan of old. Someone from before the age of chakra can pick it up and throw it around like an ordinary toy instead of a weapon of mass destruction. And due to this for Naruto it's much too light for him not to mention it wasn't well maintained. He had to incite 'growth' for the boomerang to 'heal' from its 'old age' and because of the quality and density of ki, it grew heavier and heavier as it engorged on Naruto's ki.

Its named was a clue to its creation and not just for posturing either. It was literally made of bones...youkai bones. Just the texture alone send shudders down Jiraiya's spine. He could even feel it throb with life!

Naruto grumbled as the Rasengan destabilized in his hand and exploded. He sighed and chewed some nerium. It almost gave Jiraiya a heart attack when he saw the boy casually chew on that flower known to be one of the most toxic of the floral variety. Turned out he's accumulating poison in his body using a technique he called Gu.

Jiraiya sighed, "Do you want to sign a Summoning Contract?"

Naruto looked at him, "Can I just see the Summoning Contract? I have an idea I want to use,"

Jiraiya eyed him, "You want to study a Summoning Contract? Any reason why?"

Naruto grinned, "Oh, you know...I want to summon something that no one in this world has ever summoned before," At Jiraiya's worried look he added, "Don't worry! It's not Kurama, dattebayo!"

Jiraiya grumbled, "To think he call the damn fox his family..."

Naruto shrugged, "Dogs like to hunt and eat foxes,"

Jiraiya glared at him, "That doesn't explain anything," He griped and grumbled but in the end he did summon the contract. Naruto looked it over and saw Minato's name. He smiled at the sight, "Sorry Tou-san but I won't be a Toad Summoner,"

The next few days Naruto was busy recreating the Summon Scroll. He call it Shikon Summoning Scroll. It's a bit on the nose but his family are all within the bauble and the bauble's trapped inside Naruto like it once was with Kagome anyway. Without a word from Naruto and only the Summons barely recalling a legend about the Shikon, no one in the current world will know what he meant anyway.

Sesshoumaru falls under Wisdom from his millenniums of experience.

Kagome falls under Friendship as she's easily befriend all those that she came across.

Kushina falls under Love for the love of a mother is the purest of all.

Minato falls under Courage for it took a lot of guts to do what he did.

They are the four that the Shikon Summoning Scroll can summon. It has nothing to do with the jewel. Naruto will never summon the jewel. It is more trouble than it's worth. He took the scroll within the Shikon for the final steps.

On the final week he finished the scroll and only the testing left. Jiraiya looked at him, "This will be the first Summoning Scroll made by a human that I know of. If it works then know that I am most honored to have worked alongside you to create it," He looked at the giant scroll, "I still don't know what you're trying to summon though,"

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