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Hinata cheered when she saw him in class a few days after graduation. She then blinked at his new appearance. Naruto had decided that now he had graduated, having celebrated the fact with his family in the Shikon and dragging Kurama along since he's family too, like it or not, he felt worthy of wearing the Taijiya uniform. Minato and Kushina had even opened their eyes to see him before falling back to slumber.

When he showed up for his registration dressed like so, his metal plate sown as clasp for his cape so he no longer need to cover his Shingetsu mark, Hiruzen had taken aback. After all, it has been decades since he last saw an Uzumaki traditional battle gear. He didn't know where Naruto found the design but instead asked him to wipe the paint on his forehead.

Spoiler. It isn't paint...

Inuzuka Kiba frowned, "What are you doing here, Naruto? This class is for graduates!"

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Can't you see the metal plate?"

Haruno Sakura huffed, "Yeah right. You must have stolen that,"

Hinata glared at her, "N-Naruto-kun is not a thief!"

Naruto nodded, "And if I can steal from an active ninja that would made me a better ninja, dattebayo!" He chuckled at Sakura's pouting face, knew that he had gotten her stumped there. He pushed his hair back, having grown them out. The full length of his hair had been tied up in a high ponytail like a samurai knot. This was in respect to Sesshoumaru whose unblemished hair meant that he's so good that not even his hair can be harmed.

Not to mention, he liked that he can see his father in his hair and eyes. He can also see his mother in the shaped of his face and the shape of his eyes. It proved that he came from them both!

But it could also help to hide his pointy ears...

Sakura then point her nose away, "Well, whatever. Sasuke-kun is still the best Shinobi!"

Naruto sighed and glanced at Uchiha Sasuke. He grumbled, "Sesshoumaru is way cooler, dattebayo!" After meeting Sesshoumaru, he can see the appeal of a quiet and strong man. But Sasuke pales in comparison. If anything, "He smell like the end of the depressing,"

Sakura growled, "Shut up, Naruto, you're annoying!"

Hinata glared at her, "T-then go away!"

Sakura huffed, "Who wants to hang around you two losers anyway?"

Naruto glared at her, "Hinata-chan's not a loser, dattebayo!"

Hinata glowered, "N-Naruto-kun is not a loser!"

Nara Shikamaru groaned, "Shut up, you noisy lovebirds. So troublesome,"

The two blushed and turned to him, "W-we are not l-lovebirds!"

Shikamaru turned away with a sigh, "Denials,"

At that point, Iruka entered the room and blinked at Naruto's new appearance. The boy looked more matured that way. He then started, "Beginning from today you are all proud Shinobi of Konohagakure. But don't slack off just yet! You are still just rookies, Genin. This is only the beginning," He smiled at his soon to be former students, "Soon you will be assigned missions and other jobs by the village. So today we will be creating a 3 men cell that will be led by a Jounin Instructor. You will work and train under your Jounin sensei..."

Naruto drifted off as Iruka started to call out team names. Then he heard his name being called; "Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke. You will make up Team 7. Your instructor with be Hatake Kakashi,"

Sakura deflated when she realized that she will be in a team with the one she and Ino had dubbed Boomerang Boy. She then noticed Naruto's distaste, "What?! The Banshee and the Crow?! Why can't I be in a team with Hinata-chan?! At least she won't try to kill me with her voice or drown me in depression!"

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