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The mist thickened. Zabuza faded into the white out. Naruto turned his ring, cancelling the seal that Kagome designed to dampened his youkai senses. He will need everything. The air grew heavy, almost like when Sesshoumaru glared at him when he did something particularly stupid. Zabuza whispered, "8 choices; liver, lungs, spine, clavicle vein, neck vein, brain, kidneys and the heart,"

The team and Tazuna tensed as Zabuza asked, "Which one should I go after?"

Sasuke dug a kunai out from his holster. He pointed the kunai to his throat. Naruto grabbed his hand as Kakashi speaks, "Sasuke, don't worry. I'll protect you guys even if it kills me..." He crinkled his eyes at them, "I don't let my comrades die,"

Zabuza appeared right in the middle, "We'll see about that!"

Sakura gasped and Sasuke twitched, Naruto turned just as Kakashi lunged into Zabuza with a kunai stab. Naruto turned his eyes behind Kakashi, "Sensei!" Before he could move, Kakashi was sliced at the waist but he turned into water just like the Zabuza he stabbed. Another Kakashi appeared, placing a kunai against the new Zabuza's neck, "It's over,"

Zabuza scoffed, "It's over? Don't look down on me. A monkey like imitation like you can't possibly defeat me," He looked at Kakashi, "But that was impressive of you. To think that you could copy my Mizu Bunshin in the thick mist. Not to mention those sappy words to catch my attention while you stay hidden in the mist...but..."

His voice come from behind, "I'm not that simple,"

Naruto gulped, watching the first Shinobi fight in his life showed just how narrow his experience was. Everything's an illusion. In fast paced movements, the two battled each other and Kakashi was thrown into the water. Zabuza stopped just before he stepped onto the Makibishi that Kakashi thrown as he flew into the nearby river.

Kakashi emerged from the water but then Zabuza appeared behind him, "Water Prison!"

Trapped in a sphere of water, Kakashi watched in dawning horror as Zabuza summoned more Mizu Bunshin to deal with the Genin. In a watery flash, he leapt at Naruto and kicked...nothing. Blinking, Zabuza looked to see the blond throwing the giant white boomerang at him, "Let Kakashi-sensei go!" He let loose the boomerang and it cut through his Mizu Bunshin, bursting them and Zabuza cursed, "Brat!"

Naruto looked at Sasuke who pulled out a Fuma Shuriken and throw the weapon at Zabuza as well. Zabuza parried the attack with Kubikiribocho. However, the returning boomerang forced him to drop the Water Prison and the freed Kakashi jumped out of his range.

Zabuza looked at the blond who grabbed the boomerang with ease, "I guess someone's not playing ninja after all,"

Naruto bared his fangs, cracking his knuckles the same way Sesshoumaru did whenever he prepared to beat the technique into Naruto's body. He growled, "I don't leave my pack behind," He might not like Sasuke and Sakura, he might be skeptical about Kakashi, but this is the pack he's dealt. Sesshoumaru would trash him if he ran off just because he feel inadequate.

Kakashi glared at Zabuza and the two started to rapidly signed with their hands. At the end of the sign, twin water dragons appeared and crashed against each other. Zabuza growled and tried a different technique, suspicion filled him as Kakashi followed his movement perfectly. In the end Kakashi finished the signs for the technique first and threw a tsunami of water at his adversary.

Just as Kakashi was about to finish the man off, two senbon finished him first. Naruto looked at the origin and saw a person in mask watching them, "You're right...he's dead,"

His team and Tazuna tensed again, worried over what this new 'face' would do. Kakashi checked on Zabuza and confirmed that the man had passed away. The masked ninja bowed, "Thank you very much. I have been hunting Momochi Zabuza for a long time,"

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