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There was an explosion of day firework and the paper pushing Shinobi who tried to stave off from becoming a zombie via the holy coffee looked up to see something incredible on the Hokage Monument. So incredible he screamed.

Hiruzen blinked at the sight and sighed, "Naruto..."

The blonde had painted the famous Konoha monument with swirls and other things, totally making the four Hokage look stupid. How he did it without anyone noticing, no one knows. He climbed the roof just in time to see Iruka hogtying the boy.

Iruka bowed to him, "My deepest apology, Hokage-sama,"

Hiruzen waved him off, "Just take him to his exam,"

Naruto grinned at him as he was drug off to class. Hiruzen shook his head before glaring at the surrounding Shinobi, "Call the ones in charge of Hokage Mountain security this morning,"

The group gulped...

Naruto fidgeted in his seat. He was hoping that the exam would not include the one thing he's bad at; the Bunshin. But unfortunately, Iruka informed them that the one thing that will hold him back would also be the one thing that could pass him. He slumped, "Aw man...Sesshoumaru's gonna beat me black and blue,"

When his name was called, he gulped. He tried to hype himself up and prayed that his Bunshin would work. But when he opened his eyes, there lay a dying Bunshin that looked like it had taken a ride in the drier for a whole week. Iruka barked, "Fail!"

Naruto deflated. He listened as Mizuki tried to reason with Iruka but failed to convince him. In the end, he failed his final chance at becoming a Shinobi. He avoided Hinata as he left, not wanting to see her look of disappointment. She had believed in him, he know this. She always said so whenever they spent time together.

As he sat on the swing, the swing where he always sat whenever he felt the alienation too strong, he couldn't help hearing how parents congratulate their children for passing. He flinched when he heard two housewives gossiping how he deserved failing and how being Shinobi wasn't for him. Unable to take it anymore, he walked away.

Not noticing Mizuki looking at him with insidious thoughts...

Later that evening found Naruto running through the woods with a giant scroll in hand. He didn't trust Mizuki. But at the same time he knew that it will be his words against a respected Academy teacher and trusted Chuunin. So what did he do instead?

He springs the trap.

As he sat down a little away from the promised location, he looked at the scroll, "Sorry Jiji," Who knew that his joke Jutsu would work so well on the venerable Hokage? He wondered what was so great about the Forbidden Scroll but didn't open it. Kurama grumbled, "If this plan of yours fall through, we'll be locked away for life!"

Naruto sighed, "It's not like I have a choice. Jiji can only help me so far. This is too serious without solid evidence, dattebayo!"

Kurama huffed, "Well, since you have the scroll why not look through?"

Naruto hesitated, "I'm not planning to be an actual traitor, dattebayo,"

Kurama grinned, "You might find something good in there,"

In the end, tempted, Naruto opened the scroll and looked at the first item written. He pulled a face, "Kage Bunshin? What the hell?! It started with the one thing I'm bad at!"

Kurama rumbled, "Wait. Kage Bunshin is not an ordinary Bunshin. I suggest trying it out,"

Naruto sighed, "In for the ryo, in for the ingot..."

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