Part 38

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Jisungs POV

"Hey princess all alone out here?" a dark male voice calls out to me. I look in the direction I just came from and see two guys coming towards me.

I wince involuntarily, detach myself from the wall and try to run back towards the club. The two build up in front of me, blocking the way.
"Not so fast my little one. We won't hurt you" says one of them amused. "Yeah right. I have a weakness for pretty things like you," says the other and reaches out for my head.
I take a step backwards and stumble slightly. "Do you want to be my toy for tonight? I'll show you things you've never experienced before" the one deflects his lips and comes even closer to me.

Shit. What do I do now. The entrance is too far away and as much as I've already drunk it won't work with running away.
Suddenly I hear a voice behind me and a jolt of panic runs through my bones as someone wraps their arm around me and presses against my side.

"Have to disappoint you. He already has someone to play with him. No need."
My head jerks to the side and I look at Minoh. Completely perplexed and overwhelmed, I just stand there frozen.
"So piss off...I don't want to repeat myself"
Minoh puts in a loud and confident voice.

"Who are you to think you can rule over him?" the other barks back, but still takes a bit more distance already.
"I'm his boyfriend, you minger, and I don't share what's mine. Now get out of here or I'll call the security, understand?"
Minoh pulls me behind him and takes a few threatening steps towards the two guys.
The message seems to be clear. Before they turn and leave, one of them spits on the ground in front of Minoh and grunts once.

Minoh's hand is still tight around my arm as he watches the two guys like a guard dog. Only when they have disappeared behind the next corner his grip loosen and he turns to me.

I look down at the ground, still stiff as a board and completely embarrassed after what he said to the guys.

He already has someone playing with him...he's my boyfriend and I don't share what's mine.
How had that slipped so easily from his lips and why do his words have such an extreme effect on me?

He puts his finger under my chin and pulls my face up slightly to look me straight in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asks gently. I nod barely noticeable, unable to get any words out.
"It seems like I really can't let you out of my sight for a second Hannie..." he adds now, smirking slightly.

Why does he always have to be like that? Calling me Hannie and looking at me all gentle and caring. Always coming to rescue me.

My cheeks turn red, I avoid his gaze. I don't know where to put myself. My heart beats like crazy when he's so close to me.
"Come let's go inside first. You're shaking all over" and with this he's pulling me by the wrist towards the club.

We arrived back in our room and find a pretty similar scene again. The guys are more or less completely drunk and don't get much anymore.

He pulls me to the back of the sofa and places me next to him. "Drink this, you'll calm down" he pushes me a glass and toasts me.
Still silent, I simply follow his instructions. It seems like my body has completely given up now. The motto we forget Minoh is so off the table.

All I can say is a quiet "Thank you Hyung".

Music is still playing, the others are almost all asleep and I let my head fall onto the back of the sofa. Leaning diagonally I just look at Minoh.
Memorizing every inch of his face as if it's the last time I'll see him.
He's busy on his cell phone, running his hands through his hair.
I'm completely lost in the sight of him and intoxicated by the alcohol. Before I can stop myself, my mouth opens. "Why didn't you say anything?"
I mumble in his direction.

I see him freeze in his movement, his body tense and then he slowly turns his head towards me. He knows what I'm talking about.
"You remember?" he asks briefly, fixing me with his gaze.
"Not much but enough. I... well... I'm sorry Minoh." I stammer and drop my head into my hands.

"You're sorry?" he continues to ask, I can hear his voice getting rougher.
" was wrong...that I just...and you well...I kind of harassed you and you were just trying to help me. I understand that you're mad about that... and well if you don't... so I can avoid you and you don't have to see me anymore... I understand that."
I feel my eyes fill with tears and I lower my head again.
I hear movement next to me and feel Minoh's slightly stronger grip on my chin, pushing my head back up. He's sitting quite a bit closer to me now.
His eyes are somber and haunting. My breath catches in my throat. The sudden closeness makes my heart race again.
"If you avoid me, who's going to help you out of trouble you keep maneuvering yourself into in the future? And besides, don't imagine that you could do anything to me against my will Hannie" says Minoh with a somewhat teasing tone.

I draw my eyebrows together. I hear the words he says but can't understand what they mean.
Minoh seems to notice and starts again, his hand still around my chin.
"Do you wish what I said outside was true?" his voice is calm but his gaze is even more insistent than before.

Are my ears playing tricks on me? Minoh didn't really just say that, did he?
I want to hide my face from him, it must be at least as red as a tomato but he won't let me.

His face prompts me to answer him.
"I...well...I" my words stumble out of my mouth.

"I'm not going to do anything until you say it Hannie" he murmurs lightly to me. His words nearly give me a heart attack. He moves his face even closer, his eyes twinkling at me and his hair falling slightly into his forehead.
I can almost feel his breath on my face, his hand still on my chin. My gaze is completely lost in his dark brown eyes. I want it. I want it so badly.

I don't care about anything now, I think, surrendering to my body.

"I...I want...want you to kiss me..." I whisper softly.
I can hardly believe at the same moment, what I just said out loud. Oh my god han. What are you doing?
I could slap myself.

But I don't have time to fully immerse myself in my thoughts because I suddenly feel Minoh lightly press his lips against mine. He pauses for a moment and pulls his head back again to check my non-existent reaction.
I see more uncertainty in his gaze now.

Shit... kiss him back. I don't want to lose the feeling again or ruin the moment. It feels completely surreal, but I want to live this dream a little longer.

This time, I push myself over to Minoh. I rest my hand on his thigh and pull him toward me by his collar.
Our lips meet again, only this time a little stronger.
I feel him a little surprised by my actions.

Please don't let it be over, I think.
But then I notice Minoh returning my kiss.

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