Part 4

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Jisungs POV

I fall into my bed and stretch. That was a really long first day. I didn't think the music class would go on so long. But when I first got into a conversation with Chan, we didn't stop. Talking about music is just my passion.
Even if he's a little older, I think we'll be fine with each other.
There was a lot going on for the first day... I close my eyes and summarize everything.

Seeing Jeongin again is so great and that he is also my sitting neighbor. Having all my friends with me makes me very happy. I have to think about the moment before the school gate when they all hugged.
At the same time, however, there is another memory in between. Lee Minoh and how he looked at me. It felt strange.
Why am I thinking about it again? I don't even care...

I slept restlessly that night. Nor could I explain to myself why I kept switching my thoughts to the school gate and Lee Minoh.
The day was probably just a bit much, I explained to myself.

The next morning the same procedure.
Getting up, trying to get out of bed, greeting my friends at the school gate.
The only difference: Jeongin came alone today. Of course, I wasn't waiting to meet both brothers again.
Nevertheless, I catch myself saying the question out loud.
"Where is your brother Innie"?
"Leeknow? He has a free hour and comes later. Why? "
"Oh, just so" I try to reply casually.
What is with me?
But nobody pays much attention to my question and so we walk into the school building together.

During the lunch break the four of us sit in the cafeteria.
We entertain and start about this and that until I realize that Felix focused something with his eyes.

I'm quietly stuffing at him.
"Lix? Who are you watching so directly? "
At my question the little sunshine twitches together. He looks at me and turns red. "There's someone in my dance class... he just looks so good.. "he nukes.

A little smile goes over my face while Felix pointed at a table over the room.

As soon as my smile was there, it flew away as quickly as I saw someone new at the table.
Besides the boys that Felix had just showed me, Leeknow settled down with his food.

He looks sweaty and tired. His hair is slightly damp and hangs somewhat chaotic in his face.

"Is Lee Minoh in your dance class as well?" I ask carefully.

Still very distracted he murmurs only a short "yes he is."
I still look over to the other table and examine Lee Minohs appearance from a distance.

Suddenly our eyes meet and I briefly stay away from air. I quickly turn my head back to my food and try to look inconspicuous.

What was that reaction Han? I ask myself and notice how I turn a little red.

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