Part 29

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Jisungs POV

Pain... I feel pain. Mainly in my head.It's a strong throbbing pounding against the top of my skull.

I feel sunlight brush across my face and the brightness causes another pulling pain. I squint my eyes tightly and turn to the side to hide in the blanket.
Oh why have I had to drink so much?

I snuggle into the pillows, taking in a pleasant smell. I take it in deeply, snuggle up even more. I falter... Am I still drunk or is my pillow moving?

I run my hand over the soft, moving surface. Yes it is moving, I think. I falter again... Its really moving? What the!

I jerk to the side and open my eyes in agony. I blink hard and try to focus my vision. Lying on the back and breathing peacefully, the image of Minoh forms in front of me.

Ok... I'm definitely still drunk... All good Han. I know in my subconscious that it's not true but telling myself that right now is the better option.

Suddenly Minoh moves slightly and turns his face towards me. Shit. My heart slips into my pants and I stop breathing.Why is Minoh here in my bed?
I look around for the first time now.                            No... different question:Why am I in Minoh's bed???

My head hurts even more as my thoughts race. What happened? Why am I here? Shit I don't remember anything....My head hurts so much.
I can't get it together right now. But the first thing I have to do is get out of here. Minoh mustn't notice, I think in panic.
Cautiously, I look over at the older again. He's lying very close, his face half buried in the pillow. The light shines lightly over his sharp features. He looks really good even asleep.
I lose myself in the sight of him for a moment. I notice my hand automatically moving toward his face.

Blurred images race through my mind as if by flickering flashes of light.

Blue light, water dripping from strands of hair. A warm and shakey feeling in my chest.

I shake my head, contorting my face painfully. What was that? Never mind.

I regain my composure and continue my mission. Out of Minoh's room. Now.
Slowly, I push away from him and sit up very carefully. Minoh starts to move. I have to get out of here. I quickly stand up, grabbing my things from the chair. All my things?
I stop for a moment in the room and look down at myself. What am I wearing and why are all my clothes wet?

Oh God Han what happened last night?

I hear Minoh slowly waking up and interrupt my break. Quickly I get out of the room. I pull myself through the door and lean my back against it exhaling deeply once. Then I make my way down the hall to the bathroom.

My face is puffy, deep dark circles stretch along under my eyes. Unlike Minoh, I look really cruel in the morning...

Minoh... Minoh, Minoh, Minoh...Why does this boy keep spitting in my head?

Why do I have such a strange feeling? It's even more different than usual. I'm just not sure I want to find out the reason for these feelings that are oppressively spreading through me.

I lean over the sink, turn on the faucet and keep flooding my face with cool water. Again I run a large amount of water over my face and suddenly the flickering light passes through my head again.

It s blurred. A bottle of whiskey. It slips from my hand and I stumble. I move toward the water. As I fall I see a startled Minoh dart in my direction from an oblique angle.

I pause in my movement looking down at my hands, which still have a small puddle of water in them. Again, I squint my eyes painfully.

I feel a strong grip on my shoulders. I laugh, out loud. Minoh is standing in front of me. He's soaked to the bones. Looks worried and pissed off. Pushes me away again and turns around.

Oh my head hurts. I've never had such a nasty hangover. I fell in the pool yesterday? Well that explains my wet clothes at least. And Minoh came after me to take care of me again. Great, no wonder he looked so pissed. He saw me so drunk and probably took me all the way home. So embarrassing Great...

But why didn't he put me in the guest room?
That's too many questions for me. I run my hands through my hair.

I take off my oversized tshirt. Thoughtfully I turn it over in my hands. Without thinking about it I bring it to my face and take a deep breath. The smell... that wonderful smell that always lulls me to sleep... Minoh's smell. The shirt is definitely his.

I notice myself smirking slightly. I like the shirt. I'd love to steal it from him.

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