Part 1

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Jisungs POV

I lay down on my bed and look through the slanted window. I can see the green leaves which are broken by light rays of the sun.
The sky is carefree blue and a light breeze blows in.

The summer vacations are now almost over and next Monday the new school year is about to start.
The summer was way too short but still I'm looking forward to school.
Going to school means seeing my two best friends again, who were away with their families for the vacations.
I'm more of the introverted shy type who only feels particularly comfortable where he knows his way around.
Nevertheless, I feel pretty good in this area because I have Felix and Seungmin. We have been best friends since preschool and we always been inseparable since then.
Although I shouldn't say inseparable because actually there were four of us then.
Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin and me.
But Jeongin's family went abroad three years ago because his father got a new job there. Unfortunately, due to the high time difference, the contact broke up quickly.
I still miss him very much and so the others do.

I get lost in my thoughts again as I sum to the music. In my room, music plays continuously when I'm at home. I simply cannot live without music. It is my life!
I like to write my own lyrics because it allows me to process my emotions and experiences. Only when I make music I have the feeling of being a different person.
I also try to compose melodies but I just don't have the necessary know-how.
However, I decided to solve this problem and enrolled in the music courses at our school. Actually, this is pretty much out of my comfort zone, but for the music I risk it.

While I lay there humming along with the music, I don't even notice the knock on my door. Only when it opens and my mother pokes her head through that I escape my mind.

"Jisungie? You'll never believe who I ran into while shopping!"

Quite uninterested, I turn my head and look at her with blank eyes. Only my gaze prompts her to continue.
"Jeongin and his mother!" she exclaimed outright. "She's back in Korea because her husband and her split up. They're even living in their old house again, a few blocks away! Isn't that great?"

Completely perplexed by the words my mother just threw at me, I straighten up.
"Does that mean..." I put in.
"Jeongin will be going back to school with the three of you starting tomorrow. I know you haven't seen each other for a long time, but he's really looking forward to it. Also, his brother will be joining you again. You remember?"

Slowly I nod. His brother... Lee Minoh. I remember not really liking him then, even though I hardly knew anything about him. I found whenever we were at Jeongin's, he wasn't very nice. When he had the opportunity, he always teased me and called me little squirrel.
Actually, I found it a pity that he was a bit repellent because something about jeongin's older brother has always fascinated me.

All of him confuses me. Nevermind.

I push the thought away and start to smile. "I will see jeongin again tomorrow" I tell more to myself then to my mother.
She just smiles and leaves my room again to let the news sink. I quickly grab my cell phone and write to our group.

Jisung: you never believe who we will meet tomorrow?

Felix: who?

Seungmin: well say han!

Jisung: jeongin is back and will go back to school with us!

Felix: INNiiieee?!? What why why why

Seungmin: well that will be interesting. We haven't seen him in ages.

I put my phone aside.
Right. What will it be like to see him again?

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