Part 33

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Jisungs POV

The meal is finished and the group slowly moves away from the table in small parts.
I set my tray aside and watch Minoh head for the cafeteria exit alone.

This is my chance.

I sprint after him as inconspicuously as possible.
In one of the hallways I catch up with him and hold him by the arm. He stops and turns around.

Somewhat shocked he looks at me.
I try to collect myself to get out a decent sentence. This is all so uncomfortable for me. Why did it have to be Minoh, of all people, who had to experience and handle me in this state?

Minoh clicks his tongue, which brings my thoughts back and makes me blush a little. I bring myself to my senses but can't manage to look at him.
"Minoh I... uh... I... I'm sorry" I stammer and play with the sleeves of my big sweater.

No response.

"My behavior at the party wasn't okay and I shouldn't have put you in that position later" I say more fluently and look up slightly at Minoh.

His face is still serious. I see him clench his teeth and his jaw muscles tighten even more.
His features are really so defined and sharp you could cut metal with them.

"what exactly? You don't remember, do you?" comes a surprisingly short question from minoh.

I eye him more closely now. If I didn't know better I'd almost think I saw concern in minoh's face.

"The one about the fight in the kitchen and well uhm... the pool" I say slightly embarrassed.

Minoh swallows, starts shifting a little nervously from one leg to the other.
I can't really interpret the reaction and put it back on.

"I know I'm just annoying you, but still...
You help me out a lot. First in the kitchen and then as well. I shouldn't have drink so much. Because of me you got all wet and carried my drunk ass home."

I pause looking for a reaction from Minoh.

"I know you're really pissed. You got wet because of me and you took care of me too...I must have been exhausting. Anyway, I feel sorry for all this trouble. Please don't be mad about it anymore."

"That's all?" asks Mimik suddenly, coming a little closer.
Out of reflex I take a step back and stand with my back to the lockers.

"That's all?" I repeat his question carefully.
"You don't remember anything else?" minoh repeats himself and comes a little closer again.
I feel his gaze penetrate me.

I swallow, noticing myself getting nervous by the sudden mood change.

"No nothing. I know I must have been difficult drunk. I know you're mad that you had to take care of me. I know..."

Minoh slams his hand next to my head with a little too much momentum and is now leaning over me against the lockers.

"You don't know anything Han..." he murmurs. His gaze still deadly sharp on me.

He is so close. Again I can sense his pleasant smell. He makes me extremely nervous but also calm at the same time.

He remains above me like this for a moment and then pushes off again, taking a few steps to the side. I catch my breath again.

What was that? Has something else happened?
I have a strange feeling all the time. It feels like it's in front of me the whole time, but every time I almost have it, it slips away again.

Desperately, I catch Minoh's gaze again. He looks almost more annoyed than before.

I am about to say something, but Minoh is faster.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the rehearsal Han. Forget about it, everything is ok" he turns around and leaves.

I am left perplexed.
Just forget it all ok? I seem to have forgotten almost everything anyway?
Or not? I have the feeling I have to remember something... but my head won't let me.

I just don't understand Minoh. He was in an even weirder mood today than usual.
What's the deal... but hey, the conversation could have gone worse... I laugh in exasperation.
Hopefully it will be okay tomorrow.

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