Part 16

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Jisungs POV

I'm standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Is my hair always so unruly?I pluck at my light strands of hair and try to push them into a more or less reasonable position. Frustrated, I exhale. Why am I so nervous?

I don't really care about my appearance otherwise... I've spent the full last hour in front of my closet trying to find something good to wear.Finally I gave up and switched to my basic clothes. Its a baby blue oversized tshirt and dark ripped jeans for today. I just couldn't come up with anything more. But it doesn't matter. It's just Jeongin and his mother... and Minoh.

At the thought, I feel nervousness rising in me again. Calm down Han... Don't think about Minoh, and certainly don't think about the other thing.

I snap out of my thoughts as the doorbell rings. Immediately, my mother calls up to me.
"Honey our guests are here!"I check myself in the mirror one last time with little self-confidence and run down the stairs towards the living room.

The first thing I see is Jeongin's mother, who squeezes me into a tight hug. "You look good Jisungi" she says and winks at me. I get slightly embarrassed and mumble a thank you.
In response, Jeongin nuzzles my shoulder and puts one arm around me. I just manage to catch a glimpse of Minoh, who is greeting my father.

Jeongin and I make our way into the kitchen to our mothers."Honey set the table with Jeongin out on the patio, won't you?"
I nod, grateful to have something to occupy myself with.

Jeongin and my dad are already sitting outside on the patio talking. "Take this to your mother in the kitchen Jisung" my father says to me and I run in.
In the kitchen, I am enveloped by a wonderful delicious smell. The food already looks fantastic.

A bit perplexed, I stop at the kitchen table and look at our mothers, who are chatting comfortably over a glass of wine. But they don't look like they're cooking... I wonder.

At that moment Minoh comes around the corner and stands in front of the stove to stir the pan. His sleeves are rolled up and he wears an apron around his waist.
I watch as he begins to chop the vegetables, the veins on his arms clearly showing as he cuts.

"Honey...if you're going to watch, you might as well help" I hear my mother mischievously call to me, snapping me out of my stupor.

Minoh turns to me briefly, eyeing me.
"I uh yeah, I guess so" I stammer, feeling caught.

I walk over to Minor and grab a cutting board as well.I reach for the carrots and try to cut them into small pieces. I don't dare move my eyes from my board to Minoh. He stands so close to me that our shoulders almost touch.

"Cut the pieces smaller," I suddenly hear him next to me. I try to follow his instructions, but the knife keeps slipping. He sighs noticeably beside me and takes it from my hand.

"Take the sauce and dump it into the pan" he says after.
I obey somewhat annoyed and try to walk past him to the stove with the full sauce pan. Clumsy as I am, I trip over my own feet and half drop the bowl before just catching it. Trying to catch myself, I accidentally grab the hot stove top and burn myself slightly.

I made a huge mess and everywhere the sauce sticks to the floor. Startled, I also look at my hand and take the place with the burn to my mouth.
Minoh looks at me and starts yelling. " Shit Han, if you are not able to do the simplest things here, then help somewhere else".

Confused and angry, I spark at him and run out of the kitchen to the bathroom to cool my hand.I knew it wasn't a good idea for minoh to come here. I was just trying to help him and hurt myself too. Then why is he yelling at me directly...he is such a idiot.

My mother gives me an ointment for my hand after the kitchen is already clean and I calm down a bit while listening to Jeongin and my father talking.

The meal passes peacefully. Our parents talk happily and unfortunately I have to say that Minoh cooked really well.

The most time I still pout and only occasionally cast a fierce look at Minoh. Jeongin sits next to me and quietly observes what's going on.  "Jisungii stop pouting," he whispers softly to me. "Let's have a fun night!"

I just nod. I'm annoyed that minoh is affecting my mood so much. Still, for Jeongin's sake, I try to shake it all off now and put on a smile again.

After dinner, our parents open a bottle of wine and we play various games together.The air is still pleasantly warm, even though it is slowly beginning to dawn.

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