CHAPTER 20| Trust us.

Start from the beginning

I nod, smiling a bit knowing she trusts me enough to tell me.

I mentally prepare for whatever will come next, also taking the box of tissues that were on her bedside.

Just incase.

She takes a deep breath.

So do I.

"So, at first, we were all a happy family. Me, Stefano, mother, practically the most perfect family in town. But at home, that was a different story. I-I used to catch Stefano.. hitting mother. She'd bleed so much that she'd pass out. One time I had to call the ambulance because of how bad it had got. We weren't rich, but we weren't poor. However, Stefano always seemed to have extra money. One time when I was 7, I asked my mum to take me for ice-cream, and she agreed. We were walking down the street and something caught my eye. Some creepy guy held a gun to her head and she gave me a- nevermind. But anyway, after that, Stefano was heartbroken. He fell into depression that eventually became alcohol and maybe drugs, and started hitting me.. The first time he hit me was when I was nine. He then started to stab me and have his friends hurt me and have me stealing, pick-pocketing at all of that. The beating were really bad and consistent, sometimes I'd have to go to the hospital. He never educated me or give a single fuck about me, just ruthlessly beating, stabbing me until he.. died."

She explains, stuttering over her words every once in a while..

Anger, guilt and sadness was all I could feel right now.

My sweet angel had to go through all of that shit.. at such a young age.

A tear slips down my cheek.

"I'm so sorry Azalea, you don't deserve any of that," I reassure her.

She stays silent, sobbing against my chest

I rub her back, indicating I'm noy going anywhere.

I don't give a flying fuck if this old ass bitch is dead, I will personally drag his ass from hell and torture the shit out of him.

I'll protect my princess with my life, I don't care if it's the last thing I do.

I'll protect my princess with my life, I don't care if it's the last thing I do

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I sob and sob into his chest.

I just want this to stop, everything.

I'm so so grateful that he's holding me in his arms, he didn't run the minute I told him.

It's not everyday you see a 15-year-old girl that has been abused basically half her life.

"You won't.. abandon me, right?"

I sound so fucking vulnerable, but I just need to know they won't leave me because of what I've seen.

What I've been through.

"Of course not darling, we love you." He soothingly says, kissing my forehead.

"Can you trust me?" He asks.

"Yeah.. I trust you."

"Then how would you feel about telling the others?" He hesitantly asks, probably not wanting to set me off.

"No! I mean- no, thank you."

"Please, I'd tell them and they wouldn't think any differently of you, I promise."

"You sure? I don't want them to act like they're walking on shells around me."

"Yes, I'll even tell them to act like nothing happened. Just so they're aware."


"You don't have too, don't feel forced sweetheart."

"Okay, also thank you." I say, raising my head from his chest.

"For what?"

"For helping me"

"I'm always here for you, Azalea."


I think I can trust Elijah.


A kinda shit chapter to be honest but oh well.

Might want to remember Mary & Vincent for this book and book 2🤫🤫

Most stuff in this book aren't coincidences, make sure to pay attention! 😉

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