199: High on the Feels

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"I have an idea for relaxation!" I started.

"Based on recent events, I'm temped to ignore it." Oppy muttered.

"Ouch, anyway. You'll just lie on the berth-"

"And you'll frag him?" Ratchet asked and then tried to pass it off as a joke after Optimus glared at him.

"No no. Then we cover him in the chicks plus chicken." I finished.

"How does that-" Optimus started.

"We can all agree that they're cute right?" I asked and they nodded, "And cute things are relaxing?"

"Not if you can understand what they're saying." Optimus muttered and Ratchet nodded in agreement.

Optimus said the chicks aren't cute. I told Egg but decided against telling Meg (as that would be dangerous for Optimus). "I told Egg." I said.

"Snitch." Ratchet snorted.

"Why would you do that?" He asked, sounding slightly scared.

Noted. Egg said after a longer than usual pause.

"They're her chickies." I said. "And she's doing something hold on." I said, What did you do? I asked her.

Your mom. She said.

Fuck you! I shouted, What are you really doing?

Ur-anus. She said.

You mean uranium?

I'm higher than the Eiffel tooowwer. She sang of tune.

"Egg's high, I need to get her." I told them.

"Good luck." Optimus said as I left.

Where are you? I asked.

On Shockwave's boob. She said, oh so she was safe.

Do you need me to pick you up? I asked.

Nahh. It's cuddly! She said and I started heading back to Optimus and Ratchet. I stopped outside to eavesdrop a bit. Ratchet was grumbling.

"Why do you even bother with him?" He asked.

Optimus let out a low grumble that sounded like a warning.

"Respectfully I mean-" Ratchet started.

"You disapprove?" He asked as I stuck my helm in.

"Of course I-" Ratchet spotted me and shut up. Optimus swivelled his helm to have a look at what shut him up.

"Did you make a threatening gesture?" He asked me.

"I did not!" I started, "I'm shocked you would think so lowly of me!" I said, putting in a fake hurt tone.

"Oh come of it." Ratchet started

"And you didn't even defend my honour!" I started.

"I didn't have time to formulate a proper argument and your hips don't count as one." Optimus blurted out.

Ratchet and I exchanged glances before I grinned, he did not like that. "You like my hips do you?" I asked Optimus.

"And what's around them-" Then he cut himself off.

"I'm off, bye." Ratchet started and left.

"You sure you don't want to frag me?" I asked smugly.

"I don't need to interface with you to enjoy your frame." He said and went blue in the faceplate after realizing the casual complement.

"Awww, likewise!" I said and slapped his aft.

He slapped mine back.

I stared at him for a bit before steam came out his exhaust stack. I would be lying if I said my spark beat didn't speed up. Please don't have a seizure now.

"Well Orion..." I said flirtishly. "I didn't know you had that in you."

Optimus groaned and burred his face in his servos and attempted to flee the scene.

"Oh get back here!" I started and caught up to him, grabbing onto his servo. Cue more steam. "You're so frigging cute!" I said as I kissed him. I love it when he's flustered.

Why are you aroused? Megatron asked me. There he goes, ruining the moment.

You can feel that? I asked. Could you feel that when Optimus and I were fragging? I asked.

Are you fragging? He asked a little heated.

Not now. I said. Could you feel-

Yes, but since I didn't know you were courting, I just thought you were self servicing. He said.

I noticed Optimus was regaining composure. "Recovering already? I hadn't even told you what I wanted to do to that aft of yours-" I started but Optimus wasn't going to let me have that victory.

"What? Lick it?" He guessed.

Good grief, I was not prepared.

"You're a little blue there." Optimus started jokingly. "Did I guess right?"

Now you're more aroused, what's going on? Megatron asked.

Just 'mild' flirting. I said briefly and blocked the bond. I noticed Optimus was grinning smugly, fine, he can have this victory.

"Shut up." I pouted.

"What? I didn't say anything." Optimus joked and landed a teasing kiss on my fore-helm.

"Don't tease me!" I complained and tried to get a proper kiss, he was good at avoiding it.

"Ask nicely!" Optimus laughed as I grabbed onto him.

"Oh great and powerfull Prime-no-longer, please grant me a kiss-" I started and he shut me up with a kiss. "Thank you!"

"You are welcome." He said and gave me a hug. Then paused when we heard humming and took a step away from each other.

Alpha Trion came around the corner with a rather worried Bulkhead.

"Is something the matter?" Optimus asked.

"I am trying to find a data plug-in." He stated.

"Megatron might not like that." I started.

"That's what I said!" Bulkhead started.

"What he doesn't know can't hurt him- anyone know where they are?" Trion asked.

"What? The data plug-ins?" I asked.


"They're everywhere, how can you miss them?" I asked.

"Oh." Alpha Trion started, "Must've forgotten what they looked like..."

"That works?" Bulkhead shrugged.

"Maybe you should pay Ratchet a visit?" Optimus asked.

"Where did he go?" Bulkhead asked.

"Perhaps his berthroom, we've been keeping him up." Optimus said and off they went.

"Can we cuddle?" I asked him and it was just my luck Megatron popped up right that moment.

"No." Meg started.

"Dictator." Optimus grumbled, mostly to himself.

"Oh dear, not about to have another temper tantrum are you?" Megatron teased.

"Do you ever look at Megatron and think you want to hug him?" I asked Optimus and they both looked at me weirdly. "Since he looks like me." I added.

"I've lost count of how many times he's hugged me on accident." Megatron grumbled.

"Oh it's not as if you don't enjoy them?" Optimus grumbled.

I felt Megatron's ping of guilt there and a tiny bit of sadness.

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