184: Dig a Hole in Me Tonight

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"Get out!" Megatron started and tried to tug me out of Optimus.

"Like we haven't tried that already." Optimus groaned.

"Besides, I like it here." I said as someone poked my legs again, I kicked and I think I hit them in the faceplate. "Darn, I need to goo." I whined.

"Hm?" Optimus asked.


"Not in me!" Optimus started and seemed to welcome the idea of getting me out.

"Chill, I can hold it." I said and rolled my optics.

"Just don't think of running coolant." Megatron said and Optimus nodded in agreement. "Or flowing rivers." He added and Optimus' nodded got a little slower. "Or the trickle of-"

"Stop that-"

"Stop what?" Megatron asked innocently.

"You know what you're doing!" Optimus hissed back while Ratchet and I watched them bicker.

Then Egg walked in, she seemed confused.

"Chill, if I go end up going it's gonna be on whoever is poking my legs." I rolled my optics while Egg walked around us, trying to comprehend the situation. "Science happened, again." I explained to her and she nodded.

Huh, at least we know the sparklingness is reversible. Egg said.

"What were you saying about parkour anyway?" I asked her.

"Eh?" Megatron started.

"She was doing parkour over lava." I explained and she nodded.

I'll explain later, did Shockwave fix the thing that turned him into a sparkling in the first place? Egg asked.

"I don't think-"

Shhh! She started.

I don't think so, why? I asked.

Personally, I think Megatron as a sparkling would be hilarious! Egg started.

Do it!

She smirked somehow and pecked Megatron on the ped. "Yes?" He asked and she started to waddle over to the compact ground bridge. He blinked, "What does she want?"

"You to follow her, duh." I rolled my optics, glad everyone else was preoccupied, although Optimus seemed to have an optic on what was unfolding.

Egg in the meanwhile had coaxed Megatron to the generator and hovered her beak over a button. Then they had a stare off. "You want me to press it?" He asked, she nodded. "What does it do?" He asked.

Egg just hovered her beak over the button again, then got away from the mini ground bridge.

"Don't press it." Optimus started.

I don't know if Optimus was using reverse phycology, knowing Megatron would want to do the opposite of what he says or if he genuinely did not want him to press the button.

So perhaps Optimus was pleased when Megatron pushed the button.

Though instead of turning him into a sparkling, it flung anyone nearby, (Meg and Egg) into the adjacent wall.

"Argh!" Megatron started.

"What happened?" Ratchet asked, snapping his helm up from the scanner.

"I put in a precaution." Shockwave started, "Although it was intended for Knockout." He mumbled as Megatron got up, he glared at Egg who seemed to be satisfied.

We ended up having to wait some more so I just landed with hugging Optimus and resting my helm on his shoulder.

Then I may or may not have bit his neck cables.

"Ep!" Optimus started and I felt him get a little hot.

"That's my line." Ratchet grumbled, not looking up from his datapad.

Optimus was probably glad no one noticed, especially Megs, who was flicking Egg's tail plating. He looked down at me and noticed my denta bared. "Don't." He whispered.

So I poked his neck cable with my glossa instead.

Ratchet noticed that one and was very confused.

"I will slap you-" Optimus started but I already had another nibble.

True to his word, he slapped me. "Oof." In the faceplate.

It was just his luck that Megatron saw that. "Excuse me?" He started and got up.

"Erm?!" Optimus started.

"Oh come on, it's all in good fun-" I started.

"He slapped you!" Meg started.

"After I bit him!" I defended the chew toy while he sat by awkwardly.

Megatron blinked. "Bit him?"

"Twice." I added. I swear, Optimus wanted to fold into the portal and disappear.

Then Megatron gagged as he caught on and decided to leave. "Well done, you made everyone uncomfortable." Optimus grumbled, seeming a little pissed.

"Oh right." I nodded and decided to clear his neck cables. "Sorry." I started and flicked his audial, I wonder what it would be like to bite those.

"Done!" Shockwave said.

"With the shrink ray or anti portal?" I asked.

"Both." He said and shot me with the shrink ray. I was probably not much higher than Optimus' knee, either way, I fell through the portal, gravity and all that. "Hey! Pull be back up!" I shouted and looked around.

Of course Starscream was here with Airachnid, his intake was bleeding. "Oh, did I get you?" I asked.

"Hmpf!" He huffed as the spider smirked.

I looked back up and saw Ratchet peeking down. "Pull me up!" I started and he reached down a servo, I grabbed on and he pulled me up.

"Yay!" I started as he put me down. He obviously found that very weird along with Optimus.

Shockwave had Optimus walk into a chamber again and before we knew it, everything was back to normal.

Well, except for my height. Thought it allowed me to climb up Optimus and sit on his shoulder. "Aw, now I wish I were small." I whined.

"Why?" Optimus asked.

"It would make it easier to hug me." I said and awaited the hug, "You missed your cue." I added.

"Oh right." Optimus said and hugged me.

"Yay!" I cheered and Shockwave charged up the shrink ray again.

"Let me put him down." Optimus said and put me down before clearing the area.

And I was back to normal height in moments. "Tsk." I started and got out some sparky stuff since I felt funny.

"Are you okay?" Optimus started, immediately getting panicky.

"Yep!" I said and looked over at Egg, "So the parkour?" I asked her.

She took in a huge inhale as Optimus picked her up. "That bad huh?" He asked as she squawked at him while she also spoke to me.

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