111: Fun Talks

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We arrived in my berthroom without much difficulty. "Finally! Took you long enough!" Miko complained and ran forward, "What happened to you?" She asked, Noticing my limp legs.

"Had a spark failure." I said as Optimus popped me on the berth. Alpha Trion was glaring.

Optimus looked up at him, "We need to go-"


Optimus blinked, "Why not?"

"I'm not going with any strangers." He said and crossed his arms as the chicks waddled over him.

"I'm not-"


"You're memory is-" Optimus started.

"Don't care." He argued, "I don't to be poked with any needles either." And the chicks peeped in defence.

At that point, the door opened and Breakdown walked in, "I got you some energon-" He cut himself off as he spotted my visitors.

Optimus flicked out a blade.

"Ahhh" I started, "We could pretend this never happened?" I suggested, "I disengaged the cameras in here awhile ago." I added.

"WAR!" Miko screamed and kicked his ped with vigour. Egg dragged her back before she caused more fatal injuries.

"I dunno?" Breakdown shrugged, trying to seem cool when he looked purely awkward.

"Just stand in one corner and they'll stay in the other." I said and they did so.

"Wait a minute-" Breakdown started as he spotted Alpha Trion.

"Yea, he's not dead."

"That much is obvious-"

"I found him a while ago in a cave." I shrugged.

"You did?" Trion asked.

"Yup, you've got a little memory problem." I told him and Breakdown seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack.

"Which Ratchet could fix if you came with-" Optimus started as he casted a uneasy glance to Breakdown, he attempted to give a innocent smile.

"Who's Ratchet?" He asked.

"Our medic, you know him-"

"Nope, I don't." Alphy shook his helm.

"Okay, let me help." I started, "They are your friends, you just don't remember. And currently, you're on a ship who's inhabitants want you dead." I explained as Breakdown nodded to back me up.

The chicks nodded too.

So did Egg.

"Well the chickens wouldn't lie to me." He muttered.

We would and we have. Egg said in a matter of fact.

What did you do?

Drank his energon and blamed Smokescreen. She shrugged.

"So you'll come with?" Optimus asked. He nodded with narrowed optics, "Great! We need a bridge out, I can't reach Ratchet." He said.

"Soundwave," I started into my com, "A bridge down to where I was last, please." I requested and a bridge popped up, "Thanks mate."

Optimus guided Trion through and the bridge closed before I could say goodbye. "Well, that was fun." I said from the berth as Breakdown walked over.

"Yep." he said, his voice unusually high. "What happened to your legs?" He noticed they were numb.

"Can't move them, had a seizure." I said as he scanned my spark.

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