Mark, stumbled upon alcohol and foolishly began drinking. His raucous behavior attracted the attention of the undead,

 His raucous behavior attracted the attention of the undead,

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leading to a chaotic and deadly encounter.

Tragically, Mark got bitten by the zombies, and in the ensuing struggle, I was also bitten.

Sarah's heart ached for her friend, knowing that they were now both facing the same grim fate. "Emily, please put the knife down," she said, her voice steady but pleading.

Emily's grip on the knife tightened, desperation evident in her eyes. "I don't want to turn into one of them, Sarah," she said, her voice trembling.

Sarah said, taking a step closer. "We'll figure this out together. Cutting your hand won't change anything; the infection is already in your system."

The atmosphere grew tense as Sarah insisted on warning the others about Emily's condition. "I need to warn them," Sarah said firmly, her voice tinged with concern. "They need to know what happened."

Emily's eyes flashed with anger, fear, and desperation. "No, you can't!" she exclaimed, her voice quivering with emotion. "They'll kill me if they find out. I can't let that happen."

Sarah could feel the weight of the difficult decision she faced.

On one hand, she wanted to protect her friends from any potential danger, but on the other hand, she understood Emily's fear and the dire consequences of revealing the truth.

"Emily, please, we can find a way to help you," Sarah implored, trying to appeal to her friend's sense of reason. "We can try to find a cure, or we can keep you isolated until the transformation is complete. We won't abandon you."

But the fear in Emily's eyes was too great to be calmed by words alone. As Sarah took a step back, Emily's desperation reached a breaking point.

In a moment of anguish and panic, Emily lunged forward, her grip tightening around the knife she had used to clean her wound.

"No!" Sarah cried out, but it was too late. Emily's hand, guided by fear and self-preservation, slashed across Sarah's throat with a swift and deadly motion.

The room fell into silence, interrupted only by the sound of Emily's rapid breathing.

As Emily looked down at Sarah's lifeless body, a mixture of grief and desperation consumed her.

The guilt over what she had done weighed heavily on her, and her emotions spiraled out of control.

"I can't let others find out about me getting infected," Emily muttered to herself, her voice tinged with fear and anguish.

In a desperate attempt to conceal the truth, she picked up the knife once more and began cutting her hand.

But as the knife pierced her skin, Emily's resolve wavered, and the symptoms of the infection started showing.

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