Chapter 40

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Purpled continued chasing Ponk down the halls, which was gaining many weird looks from those that they passed, but Purpled didn't care. Ponk saw Sam and immediately ran over and hid behind him. Sam was confused when Ponk hid behind him and Purpled stopped in front of him.

"Save me, Sam!," Ponk cried out, staying behind Sam and dodging when Purpled tried to attack him around Sam. Sam sighed and put a hand to both of their foreheads and kept them there, no matter how much Purpled struggled.

Purpled eventually stopped struggling and opted to glare at Ponk instead. Ponk shrunk a little under Purpled's glare and tried hiding more behind Sam, but it wasn't easy. Sam sighed and asked, "What's happening here?"

Purpled glared at Ponk once more before turning to Sam and answering. "Somebody, won't listen to me when I say to stop messing with my hair." Purpled emphasized the 'somebody' making his point seem clear.

"Oh, you don't like when somebody does this," Sam said as he raised his hand to Purpled head and ruffled his hair. Purpled's glare turned down-right murderous as he shifted his focus onto Sam. Sam chuckled nervously from the glare and backed up a little.

Not many things scare Sam, but Purpled is definitely one of the people that he's scared of, but it didn't make him any less fun to mess with. Usually Purpled's glare would let up after a few moments, but Purpled didn't seem like he was going to stop any time soon.

Sam turned his head back to see Ponk and they shared a look that said we should start running, so almost in unison they started running down the hallway with Purpled following not far behind.

They turned a corner and whacked right into Niki, causing all of them to fall onto their butts with an oof. Purpled came skidding to a stop to avoid tripping over any of them. Sam and Ponk immediately turned to Niki to ask if she was okay.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay Niki? I'm sorry," Ponk said, quickly standing up to help Niki up. "I'm fine, Ponk. Are you okay though? Where were you off to in such a hurry?" Ponk sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"We weren't exactly heading to anywhere," he nervously chuckled while avoiding Purpled and helping Sam up. "Then why were you..?" Niki asked before noticing Purpled's glare and stopping her question half-way through.

She chuckled and continued on her way, but not before mouthing 'good luck' to the two. They nodded and decided to turn around and face the music. Purpled glare had never let up and the two audibly gulped from the sheer intensity from it.

Purped slowly approached the two and they had to push down the instinct to run. Purled was within arm distance when he lifted his arms up and put them on their shoulders. They both flinched when Purpled burst out laughing.

Purpled had to curl one of his arms around his stomach from how hard he was laughing. Ponk and Sam looked at each other confused, both wondering if Purpled had finally gone insane. Purpled quickly calmed down and had to resist from laughing when he saw their faces.

"What just happened?" Ponk asked, confused by everything that had happened in the past five minutes. "You just got pranked, is what happened," Purpled said while chuckling again.

When realization crashed down and Sam and Ponk, they both started laughing, which only caused Purpled to start laughing again. They calmed down a few minutes later and Ponk asked, "So, you're not genuinely mad."

Purpled looked at him and said, "No, why would I be?" "I don't know, I was scared for a moment there," Ponk said. "I'm not mad and sorry for scaring you, but it was too good of an opportunity." Ponk shrugged.

"Makes sense," Sam said, shaking his head in amusement. Purpled sighed before opening his arms for a hug. Sam and Ponk immediately dashed forward to reciprocate the hug. When Purpled felt that it had gone on for long enough, he smacked them both upside the back of their heads.

They pulled away and rubbed the back of their heads. "Oww, what was that for? Ponk whined. "For ruffling my hair. From now on everytime you ruffle my hair and smack you upside the head.

"That's not fair. I just mess up your hair, but then you cause bodily harm." Ponk whined once again, and Purped had to resist the urge to smack him. Sam sighed, "I'll go back to doing what I was earlier, so I'll see you later," He said while walking off.

"Goodbye Sam, sorry for bothering you," Ponk called after him. "We should probably get something to eat, I'm a little hungry" Ponk said as his stomach growled. "You don't say," Purpled teased as they walked to the kitchen.

"Sh-shut up," Ponk blushed, feeling very embarrassed. "Just teasing," Purpled said as they entered the kitchen. Ponk grabbed something from the fridge to heat up and Purpled decided to have some cereal.

Pok had decided to eat in the lying room, seeing as he had heard some people in there. Purpled decided to stay behind and not interact with people because who likes to do that. After Ponk left, Purpled brought out his communicator and earbuds to listen to more MCCs.

He was watching Phil's POV of MCC when said man walked in. Purpled paid him no mind at first, but looked up when he heard Phil say something. "What was that?" he asked. "Just saying that I know you loved us," Phil said.

Purpled could feel his face heat up, but decided to act dumb. "Why's that?" In response, Phil just pointed to his communicator that was still playing. Purpled quickly shut it off and put it in his pocket.

"What are you talking about?" Purpled asked, hoping that Phil didn't notice the POV he was on. "That seemed like it was my POV," Phil teased him even more. Purpled knew the blush on his face was very obvious at this point, so he stood up and put his dish in the sink.

"No, I don't," Purpled called as he was exiting the room. "Stupid MCC and it exposing me, stupid Phil for being observant," Purpled rambled on as he passed by Sam, who was very confused by what he was muttering, but didn't comment on it.

Purled made it to his room in the attic and collapsed onto the cot. Purpled could feel the exhaustion creeping in as the day's events caught up to him. He was relieved that he had a solid source for Punz being alive.

That was one of the most important things to him right now, both Punz and Ponk's safety. Purpled rolled to the side and closed his eyes, not caring about the time. It was only around 9 when Purpled fell asleep, which was early for him.

Although, because he was asleep, he didn't see the shadows move as something or someone crept out of his room and out into the night. 

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