Chapter 18

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(Back in the Dream Smp)

Everyone was stuck for a minute, debating on if they should run after Tommy. Philza was the one who made the first move. He called out, "Some of us stay here, and others go after Tommy." Techno, Phil, Ranboo, Foolish, Punz, Sapnap, and Sam all ran out the door. Some for different reasons than others. Techno got on Carl(his horse), "I'll ride ahead and get him." Phil nodded, "Okay, but we are storming Dream right now, so hold onto him until we get there." Techno nodded and off they went.

Everyone started running after him while Phil said, "Sapnap, do you know where Dream's base is?" Sapnap nodded, "Yea, we met there multiple times until he went crazy." "That's great! While the first part is not the last," Phil said, easing some tension. They ran in silence for the rest of the time until they caught up to Tommy and Techno. Techno was holding Tommy by the back of his T-shirt.

"Hey! Let me go you" Tommy was yelling at Techno, who just looked bored. Tommy saw all the others running towards him. "Dadza, tell Techno to let me go." "Techno let Tommy go, and Tommy stop yelling," Phil said between breaths. "If you say so," Techno said as he dropped Tommy. Tommy wasn't expecting that so he fell on his butt into the snow. Tommy sputtered, "I didn't mean it like that. You," Tommy said as he stood up.

Tommy saw them all just chilling, "What are you guys waiting for? We need to get to Tubbo. Who knows what Dream is doing to him!" "Do you even know where you're going?" Sam said, calm as ever." "Well, no, but that's not stopping me." Tommy said. Ranboo smacked Tommy in the back of the head, who then yelled, "What was that for?!"

"I want to get Tubbo back as soon as possible as well, but you need to calm down," Ranboo said. Tommy just huffed, but slowed down, "Who knows where Dream's base is?" Sapnap raised his arm. "Well then. Lead the way." Tommy said, motioning his arms for Sapnap to go ahead.

Sapnap said nothing and went in front of the group leading the way. They followed him and the walk was silent. About forty-five minutes later, Sapnap said, "We're almost there. It's just over that hill." Tommy and Ranboo sighed in relief. "We're almost to him. That's good," Tommy said.

They kept walking and they made it over the hill. They saw a pretty bland house. It was nothing like they expected. "Woah, I was thinking something completely different," Ranboo said. "Same! I expected an evil looking castle," Tommy said.

"Well, sorry to disappoint, but this is it. Now be quiet, we don't want to get caught,' Sapnap said, going closer to the house. They all followed Sapnap's lead and walked to a window. Phil looked in and he saw nothing. He went towards the door, much to everyone's protests.

"I can't see anything. I think he's out," Phil said and stopped in front of the door. He opened the door and walked inside with everyone following him. "Let's split into groups of two. Send a message if you find anything," Phil said.

The groups were Tommy and Ranboo, Sapnap and Sam, Phil and Techno, and Foolish and Punz. They were all searching for thirty minutes before there was a ding on their phones. It was a message from Tommy. It said, 'We found a boarded up room in the basement. Come quick'

They all headed towards the basement. They saw Tommy and Ranboo outside a door. Tommy had his ax out and was trying to bust down the door, but it wasn't working that well. Tommy took a second to rest. Techno came over and pushed Tommy away, who then let out a squeal. It only took Techno three tries to bust down the door.

Tommy was just flabbergasted. The dust cleared and on the other side of the door was Tubbo. Only he was tied to a chair and had a gag on. Ranboo rushed over to him and took the gag off. "Are you alright Tubbo?" Tubbo nodded, but he had tears in his eyes, "Yea I'm good, but I'm not sure about Purpled."

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