Chapter 5

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X was having a normal night and for once in his life he was taking care of himself. Keralis had just left his place so he could get ready for bed. He had just changed into his pjs when his communicator buzzed. He looked at it and saw it was a message from Ren saying that there was a new person on the server and that he should head over to Stress's base. X just sighed and realized he would never have a normal night. He changed back into his normal clothes, put on his elytra, and started heading over to Stress's base. When he made it over to Stress's he saw chaos. Stress was ordering Ren, Doc, and Scar to grab supplies while Impulse and Grian were left to explain things to X when he arrived. After a few moments of surveying the chaos he was spotted by Impulse. "Hey X. How're you doing?"

"I'm doing just fine considering all things so what happened here?"

"Oh, you know the usual. Chaos and injures" Said Impulse

X started looking at Grian, "Hey! It wasn't me this time!"

All three of them laughed and then grew serious again. X said, "Ok, now what actually happened."

"Well, the thing is, even I don't understand what happened." Impulse said and Grian agreed.

"Well, to start things off. How about you start at the beginning."

Grian opened his mouth to explain before Impulse started to explain first. "So we were just hanging out in between the Hippie Commune and Area 77, when we heard something in the woods and howling. We brushed it off as just some wolves, but we heard it and it was getting closer to us. So we started looking around when Ren said he saw something in the woods so we looked in that direction. We saw a figure that didn't seem to be human, but it was getting closer. As it was getting closer we could make some feature out like his antennas, his eyes sort of glowed, and there was something on his back. He was kind of just stumbling about as if he wasn't in his body. Then when it looked like he was coming back into his body he passed out. Ren tried to catch him, but he didn't get there in time and the boy hit his head on the ground. But before we could get any closer the animal went forward and started growling at us if we got too close. Ren and Grian calmed it down enough so that we could get to the boy and assess his injuries. He has many cuts, but the most threatening one was the one in his shoulder so we brought him to Stress and called you over to get to where we are now."

Impulse finished his explanation and X was still trying to take it all in, when Stress came out with Ren, Doc and Scar in tow. "So what's his status, Stress"

"He's perfectly stable and should make a full recovery at most in the next month."

"That's good, but now we have the problem of how he got here, because I didn't think I added anyone besides Grian."

"He must've got here through a glitch or something . At Least that's all I can think of."

"Okay I'll look into how he got here, but someone should be with him and watch over him till he wakes up so he doesn't try to run." X said

"I think Scar or Impulse should be with them. No offense to Doc or Grian, but Doc you would come off threatening and Grian you're just a bit too chaotic." Said Ren

"Well none taken, but you would also be a good choice." said Doc

"But for right now I think that Scar should be with them incase they need medical attention."


Then everyone started separating Ren, Doc, and X going to their bases for the night while Scar went to where Purpled was and stress went to bed.


When Purpled started to wake up the first thing he noticed was the pain, but as he started becoming more aware he felt something soft beneath him and he started panicking thinking that Dream had gotten him. He heard some movement and felt something soft place itself onto his chest. As he started getting brought back to reality he noticed that someone was speaking to him in low tones and it was fading in and out.

"Hey...calm....You're alri...." This continued for five minutes before Purpled was breathing regularly and he noticed more things like the fact that Dogchamp was by him, there was a guy in front of him, and this didn't look like anyplace on the Smp that he's been to. Also the fact that Dogchamp was relaxed meant one of three things. Either Dogchamp trusted this guy, he didn't deem him a threat, or Dogchamp was drugged.

"Hi, how are you? My name is Scar and what's your name?"

Purpled didn't want to give this guy too much information, but as he kept listening he found it harder and harder to do so. This guy just radiated too much father energy much like Philza, but he seemed even nicer. So he croaked out, "I'm doing alright all things considered, but I'm not telling you my name."

Scar looked hurt, but it seemed like he understood. "Oh, you must be thirsty. Here is some water."

Purpled looked at the water suspiciously and smelled it. It smelled normal so he took a sip and when he deemed it safe he chugged the whole thing. "Thank you"

"No problem, in fact that's what I'm here to do so let me change your bandages real quick." When Scar moved forward Purpled flinched back so Scar stopped. "Is it okay if I change them?"

"No, you can leave. I got this." Then under his breath he mumbled, "I'm used to it anyways."

Scar, not wanting to show that he heard this, said okay and left the room. While he was waiting he messaged X saying that he's awake. He heard a thud from the room and he quickly rushed back in to see Purpled on the ground. It seemed like he was going to stand up, but his legs gave out. "Okay, seeing as you can't stand, I'm changing the bandages for you." He helped Purpled on the bed and changed his bandages as he was finishing he heard a knock on the door. "Come in," he shouted

The door opened to reveal X and Stress. Stress walked in with two plates of food. She gave one to Scar and the other to Purpled. "I imagine you must be starving so have some food."

"What do you want for it"

"I don't want anything just have it" Purpled once again spied the food for anything suspicious. He wouldn't give any to Dogchamp until he deemed it safe. When he did he started eating it and gave some to Champ. After he finished eating he curled up and tried to go back to sleep so he didn't have to deal with anything.

After Purpled fell asleep X, Stress, and Scar went outside. Scar spoke up and said, "We need to talk about some things."

Purpled in HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now