Chapter 14

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Author's Note: Sorry for not uploading for a while so have a longer chapter as an apology. Just a warning there is a panic attack, self harm (Just digging fingernails into your skin), thought of worthlessness, self-deprecating thoughts. If you are triggered by any of that I will mark where it starts and ends. So without further ado let's get on with the story.

Purpled woke up the next morning feeling exhausted and not at all ready for the meeting. So many thoughts were running through his head, even though Scar told him not to worry. He was not used to Dogchamp being missing when he woke up and he needed him more than ever right now. He was going to tell X he was picking up Dogchamp then coming straight back. He stood up and stretched out his sore muscles hearing pop and cracks in his knees. I need to start training again. That was way more than usual. He walked into the kitchen to get a glass of milk and noticed that X was there with a frying pan. He looked lost in thought so Purpled wanted to sneak up on him.

X knew Purpled was there and wanted to scare him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Purpled trying to sneak up and X knew what he was going to do right then. He waited for Purpled to get closer and when he was a few feet away. X acted like he was going to use the frying pan as a weapon and yelled. "AHHH!" When he saw Purpled jump away he yelled, "Got you!" X was about to laugh, but then he noticed the stance Purpled was in. His arms were up as if he was going to protect his face and he was hunched down low. X quickly grew serious, "Purpled why did you flinch like that? You know I'm not going to hurt you.

Trigger Warning Start

Purpled thoughts quickly began to speed up again. Why did you do that? He is going to think that you are weak. He is going to hurt you. He is going to think that you don't trust him. Why? Coward. Shut up! Shut up shut up shutup shutup shutup. "Shut up! No, no no, stop, shut up!" Purpled was yelling and also crying, but he didn't notice that. He didn't notice much of anything except for the pain in his arms. The pain kept him somewhat grounded, but not enough that he knew what was happening around him. His thoughts just kept racing. You are worthless, useless. You can't do anything right. Useless. Worthless. Stupid, Idiot.

The back of his neck tickled and he felt someone breathing onto it. It reminded him too much of Dream. He tried turning to fight whoever that was, but his body would cooperate with him. Instead, he shimmed back and felt his back hit a wall. The walls were closing in on him. He had nowhere to run. He was trapped. His breathing picked up even more.


X was not expecting this kind of response from Purpled. He thought Purpled would just jump, and they would laugh about it after. He didn't expect Purpled to go on a full-blown panic attack. He saw Purpled breathing pick up and his face was twisted as if he was fighting something in his head. His fingers were also digging into his arms leaving crescent shaped marks behind. He fell to the floor with a thud.

X stood still not wanting to set Purpled off anymore, but then Scar walked into the room. Purpled must've somehow sensed Scar enter, because next thing X knows Purpled stiffened up and backed into a corner. Scar looked concerned, but also didn't rush at Purpled not wanting to overwhelm him. Scar instead held his hands up and walked over to X. "X, what happened? What can I do?"

"I don't know, but we need to help him. I know Purpled is closer to you, so maybe you can slowly approach him and try to calm him down. I'll go get some stuff for his arms. Shout if there's trouble. I'll be right back." X said as he walked off.

Scar slowly started approaching Purpled. When he noticed Purpled stiffen up, he stopped, sat down, and tried talking from there. "Hey Purpled, it's Scar. You know the one with the cat, Jellie, and a magnificent top hat." He didn't see Purpled calm down at all. He tried scooting closer and his heart broke every time Purpled flinched, but Scar had to stop Purpled from digging his finger into his arm. Scar reached forward and grabbed Purpled's wrist. Purpled flinched, but Scar didn't let go. Instead, he moved closer and put Purpled's wrist on his chest so Purpled could feel the rise and fall when he breathed.

Purpled in HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now