Chapter 6

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After making sure that Purpled was asleep so he would try to leave Scar beckoned X and Stress outside the room and said, "We need to talk about some things"

"Yep, but where do we start?" said X

"Well first things first when he woke up he immediately had a panic attack, didn't let his guard down, he hasn't even told me his name, and was suspicious about everything we gave him. It seems like he isn't used to getting stuff for free, and he obviously values his dog over everything else. On the side note he also didn't want anyone else dressing his wounds when he obviously needed help. It seemed like he's done this alot, because he even mumbled like I always do At least it was something like that. "

"Yes that is all very concerning, but one thing that stood out to me was that he's always tense even as he fell asleep."said X

"Yea we need to keep a close eye on him for a while," said Stress.

"When should l call a server meeting because they need to know sooner or later. I'd rather have it sooner though. I'm also pretty sure parental instincts are gonna kick in for some people as well. " said X.

"I think we can have it in a week, cause then he will be a bit more awake and able to talk for himself." said Stress

"Okay so it sounds like a plan then. Scar, you also need to take a break from watching him for a bit. I'm gonna call Impulse over and you can catch up with whatever you need to do," said Xisuma.

"Fine, only cause I don't trust Grian with Jellie for much longer, but call me if anything changes." Scar said as he got a firework out and equipped his elytra. "Bye!" he shouted as he flew away.

"Well, I'm gonna call Impulse over if you wanna stay with him for now."

"Yea, I'm gonna do that. I'll also see if I can find out what kind of hybrid he is." said Stress as she started walking away.

So X got his communicator out and started looking for Impulse's number . He quickly found it and called him. He picked up on the second ring, "Hey, Impulse, whats up. I have to ask you something."

"Oh, hi X. I'm taking a break from building. What's up?" came Impulse's reply.

"I was wondering if you would be able to come by Stress's base to watch the boy. He's starting to wake up and is more aware. I sent Scar home today because he needs to rest well." Said X

Impulse replied with, "Oh that's wonderful and I can come around in like an hour. I just need to finish some things first."

"Alright, I'm pretty sure that Stress will be there when you get here just so you know."

"Ok, thanks for a heads up and see you later."

X hung up and put his communicator back into his pocket and started getting ready to go back to his base to continue looking at how this kid got here.


Purpled was slowly waking up when he felt something wet on his face. He opened his eyes and was met with Dogchamp's face and his tongue licking him. He tried pushing Dogchamp away, but it wasn't forceful. Dogchamp was lifted from his vision and he quickly sat up. He looked to where Dogchamp was taken and saw a man with a black t-shirt and yellow creeper face on it. He didn't recognize him, but he also concluded he wasn't on his smp anymore considering he also didn't know who those other three oddly kind people were.

"Who are you and what are you doing to Dogchamp?" Purpled all but growled out.

The guy quickly set Dogchamp down and put his arms up saying, "Woah, I'm not here to hurt you or him. My name's Impulse. What's your name?"

Purpled scoffed, "Like I'm telling that to someone who I don't know. How are you so trusting?"

"First of all, telling someone your name is nice and I don't think you can really hurt me if you tried. Last I checked I'm the one who has weapons, I don't have a wound in my shoulder, and why would I be scared of you. You just a child."

Purpled mumbled, "I haven't been a child for a while"

"Say it again."


"Fine, but I will find out sooner or later. I'm weird like that."

Purpled rolled his eyes, "Yea sure you will. Anyways, tell me about yourself." I need all the information I can get about this place and who these people are.

"Alright fine," I need this kid to trust me just a little bit so I can find out more stuff. "My name's Impulse, I'm a hermit, I like to do redstone though I'm not the best, I'm also a hippie, my friends are psychopaths, I accept hybrids, and that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Well, what about you?" finished Impulse

"Give me a minute to understand what you just said." So Impulse waited for a minute as Purpled processed it. I still don't understand why he's being so nice to me. Hell, I'm a literal stanger to him. Even my own friends weren't this nice to me. "Okay, it has been processed and I'm still not telling you about myself."

"Okay, that's fine, but I would also like to tell you that there is going to be a meeting in a week and you will be there." Purpled immediately froze up, but he hid it so that he hoped Impulse wouldn't notice, but of course Impulse did, but he didn't mention anything about it hoping that the kid would trust him more. "Do you think you will be fit enough to move by then?"

Purpled scoffed and said, "Of course, if I wanted to I could move around right now."

"Okay, well move then. Just to be sure."

Purpled was surprised, but he didn't let it show and just said, "Fine." So Purpled pushed himself off of the pillows with little effort and hung his feet over the side. He scooched forward a bit so that when he leaned forward he'd fall off the bed. So he leaned forward and put some of his weight on his feet. Slowly he stood up and put his full weight on them. At first they felt stiff and sore, but as he started walking around it was completely normal. The only thing wrong was that his shoulder hurt like hell. "See I'm walking perfectly fine."Okay, that I wasn't worried about. How about your shoulder? Can you move your arm at all?" Purpled looked at him and tried, but he winced when it moved an inch. "Yea, that's what I thought." Purpled just looked at him and stuck his tongue out. "Such a child, now go sit down or Stress will kill me, figuratively and literally." Purpled went back to the cot and laid down to go back to sleep. Once he was fully asleep, Impulse went over pat his head and whispered, "I will find out what you're hiding and I will protect you kid."

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