Chapter 13

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Author's Note: I am not good at writing panic attacks so correct me if anything is wrong. That being said, there is a panic attack in this chapter. I will point out when it starts and ends if you are triggered by it.

Purpled woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. He looked over to see that X was sitting there combing a hand through his hair. Purpled yawned which alerted X that Purpled woke up. "Morning Purpled, how did you sleep last night?"

Purpled looked over to X, "Fine, but were you up all night again?"

"No, I wasn't kid so don't worry about me." X said.

Purpled just deadpanned at X before he exploded, "What do you mean don't worry about me. You're the one who got yourself into a hospital bed, because of me! Now, if you excuse me I need to leave and stay away from everyone before anyone else gets hurt!"

X looked at Purpled with hurt in his eyes. Then Purpled realized what he said and started panicking. I didn't mean to say that I need to leave right now. Purpled quickly got up and started to leave before he felt something pull on his wrist. He spun around and saw that X was the one with the hold on his wrist. He quickly shook X's hand off and started running towards the door. He could hear X standing up and trying to run after him, but X didn't get that far. X got caught in his blankets and tripped falling onto the floor, but Purpled didn't stop he just kept running.

He only stopped running when he felt something pick him up. Instead of trying to run he started thrashing trying to get out of the hold. He heard someone come up behind him so he started kicking his feet in that direction. He spent five minutes thrashing before he stopped realizing that it was pointless. He still didn't get out of his head. It took ten more minutes before he became aware of his surroundings again.

Trigger Warning Start

One thing that he noticed immediately was the coolness of metal on left hand. He also noticed that he was sitting down with someone to the side of him. He heard them saying "Purpled breathe in for 6 seconds, hold for 8 then breathe out for 6. Can you do that for me?" Purpled tried doing what the voice said, but his lungs were not cooperating with him so he ended up coughing instead. He felt someone rub his back in a comforting manner. He kept trying to do wha the voice said and it felt like an eternity before he was finally able to breathe properly again. He started gaining his vision back and noticed that X was on his right guiding him through the panic attack and Doc was on his left with his metal arm on his wrist as something to ground on.

Trigger Warning End

"You good now, Purpled?" X asked, looking at him with worry. Purpled not trusting his voice at the moment. "Can you stand?" Purpled nodded and got to his feet:however, when he tried to take a step his legs crumpled under him, but Doc quickly grabbed onto Purpled's arm and held him up so he didn't hit the floor. X walked over slowly still feeling the injuries he had. "Doc, you think you can carry him to the couch in the living room?" Doc nodded and picked Purpled up bridal style. They walked to the living room. Doc walked over to the couch and set Purpled down before sitting down next to him.

Purpled quickly fell asleep. He was exhausted and catching up on all the sleep he missed. Doc decided to break the silence, "So what was that all about? I only heard the last of it." Doc said.

X decided to explain to Doc, "I said something stupid and then Purpled said something he didn't mean to. I'm assuming that your arm sent him into some kind of memory or something." "What kind of memory.?" Doc asked, looking concerned though he would never admit it. "You know how we know that whatever server he came from was pretty crappy." Doc nodded and X continued, "Well, we kind of found out what server it was." Doc looked intrigued and motioned for X to continue. "He's from the Dream Smp." Doc's face morphed into many different emotions at once anger, sadness, pity, understanding, etc.

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