Chapter 21

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Author's note: Sorry for the longish wait, but last week was bad. I had no time to write, I did something to my shoulder, and I had a braces appointment. There may be a trigger warning, but I'm not sure. Possible triggers are death and a fight scene. As always I will mark where it starts and ends.

Ponk was currently freaking out. It's not everyday you get messages like that from Sam, but when you do it's bad. Punz and Dogchamp were calming Ponk down while Purpled pondered on what was happening.

He thought about asking X if most people from the Smp could crash onto Hermitcraft for a bit, but decided against it. X had enough on his plate, and Purpled didn't want to add anymore. Ponk had calmed down by the time Purpled thought of a plan. "I'm gonna go back to the Dream Smp to check things out," Purpled announced suddenly.

"No, I don't think so, Purp," Punz said, looking up from Ponk. "Why? I need to figure out what's going on," Purpled said, trying to bargain. "I don't wanna lose you again," Punz said. "You won't, the first sign of trouble and I'm outta there, promise," Purpled said as he held out his pinky.

Punz stood up and linked his pinky with Purpled's, "That's a promise." Purpled nodded his head, but deep down he was sorry. Purpled had crossed his fingers behind his back. "I can leave now, so that I can get a headstart. The only question is how can I get there?"

They thought about it for a bit and Punz said, "I can text Fundy and ask him, but otherwise you will want to talk to X about it. He's upstairs right now right." "Yea, but X will ask questions and not let me go," Purpled said.

Punz nodded and took his communicator out to text Fundy. They waited for ten minutes before Punz's communicator buzzed. Punz opened it and the message read. Yea, I can do that just give me a few. Why is Purpled coming though? How are you not dead?

Punz just sent back a thanks, ignoring Fundy's questions. They held a conversation for a bit before Purpled disappeared in a flurry of particles. Punz and Ponk paused for a bit, but then continued their conversation as if nothing happened.

(Purpled's POV)

Purpled felt when the teleportation happened. He closed his eyes and opened them again the moment the feeling went away. He was met with the sight of a damp cave. He looked around trying to spot something. He couldn't see anything, but he heard voices.

"Why does it say that Purpled joined?" Purpled could faintly make out. He tried moving closer to the noises, but it seemed that they were moving away from him. "Hey Purpled," A voice said from somewhere in the dark.

Purpled couldn't recognize who it was. "Who is it and where are you?" Purpled called out to the darkness. Purpled heard some footsteps and turned to that direction. "It's Fundy," The figure said, coming into Purpled's range.

Fundy held his hand out, but Purple kept his hand to himself;instead, he waved his hand. "Hello Fundy, is anyone else here," Purpled asked. Fundy retracted his hand back, "Yea, most of the server is here. The only ones not are Dream, Ponk, Punz, Bad, Skeppy, Ant, and Hannah."

"But that means Quackity is here," Purpled growled out. "Yea, but you don't have to be by him. If it makes you feel any better, he stays away from everyone." Fundy said. "Whatever," Purpled said as he waved his arms, "lead the way, Fundy."

Fundy nodded and exited the area. Purpled was led by Fundy to the main area where most people hung out. No one took notice of them at first, but when Tommy yelled, "American boy," everyone's attention turned to them.

Purpled just waved at them. It took everyone a second to snap out of their shock, but when they did chaos broke out. Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo ran forward and wrapped Purpled in a hug. Phil, Eret, Foolish, and Puffy hung back for a bit.

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