Chapter 4

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Now while all that was happening let's go back to Purpled. After he stepped into the portal he felt waves of nausea go over him. He wasn't unfamiliar with teleporting, but something about this felt wrong; he just didn't know what it was. He felt himself hit the ground, but it didn't register in his mind. He felt like he was floating, but his body was moving as if on instinct which it probably was. After so many games of Bedwars his body has gained survival instincts. Sure you always respawn after round, but you usually still have the injuries you acquired in the round. He always fixed his wound before going back to the smp, because he's had some fatal wounds and he didn't want to lose one of his lives because of that. He knew he needed all of those lives, because you never know what could happen. Purpled slowly started returning to his body and he noticed that the light was getting bigger and he swore he could spot some shapes in the distance. He heard barking and then noticed the figure running towards him and shouting. But the black in his vision was growing stronger and he passed out.


Scar, Grian, Doc, Impulse, and Ren were just chilling and talking about Area 77 and the hippie commune when they heard some barking. They ignored it at first seeing as how there was a forest near them and they assumed it was the wolves. They only started taking notice of it when it sounded like it was growing closer. They looked around and Ren saw something moving in the woods, "Hey Guys! There's something over there."

They all looked in that direction and sure enough there was something over just it wasn't a dog. It looked to be the shape of a human with antennas on its head and they swore that their eyes were glowing a little. The figure was also stumbling a little bit.

"Um, what's going on over there?" asked Scar. "Should we go help them?"

"Maybe we should wait a little bit to see if it's going to attack us." Said Impulse.

Doc began shouting at the figure to gain its attention, "Hey! You over there! What are you doing here?" The figure didn't pay him any mind and kept walking. Though it was stumbling a little more now as if it wasn't in its own body.

"Guys, I think we should go help it. It doesn't look okay." Said Ren and everyone beside Doc agreed.

"I'll walk with you guys, but I'm having my trident out just in case." Doc said.

As they were starting to approach the figure they saw something move on his back and stopped. The animal looked like it was sniffing the air as if it didn't recognize something. They started to approach again and the animal looked straight at them and started barking again. The person didn't even flinch and kept walking. They kept slowly approaching the boy and the animal stopped barking all of a sudden and started trying to poke the boy to get a reaction. The animal kept doing this and after the fifth attempt it got a response out of the boy. He raised his head as if he heard or felt something on the back of his neck. The Hermits stopped approaching to not seem like a threat to the boy. But to their surprise all of a sudden the boy started tipping forward. Ren tried to rush forward to catch him, but he didn't make it in time and the boy hit the ground with a thud.

Everyone stood there in shock for a second before the animal moved out of the boy's backpack and went to his face to see if he could wake him up. When he realized it wouldn't work he stood in front of the boy to protect him. He saw the Hermits and started growling at them. The Hermits quickly took a step back to seem unthreatening. They grouped back up and started to try and figure out what to do. "Guys what do we do? We have a person who's passed out, but we can't get close to him because of the dog."

"I don't know, but we have to help him." Ren said.

As they were talking Scar was looking at the boy hoping to see what had caused him to pass out. That's when he saw it, "Guys, we have a bigger problem than we originally thought."

"Well what is it? We're in the middle of something" Doc growled out.

"He's bleeding" After Scar said this everyone looked to the boy and sure enough there was a small pool of blood starting to form under him.

"Okay new plan. Get past the animal and patch him up so he doesn't die." Impulse said.

So Ren and Grian went to work trying to get the dog to trust them a little bit so that it would let them patch the boy up. "We aren't going to hurt you or him, we want to help you guys. Okay. If we even try to hurt him you have the right to attack us."

The dog seemed to calm down slightly, because he knew that if they even dreamed of hurting his owner he could attack and these people also didn't have any scents that people back home did. So with hesitance Dogchamp allowed them to go through and help Purpled.

When the Hermits saw this they immediately went over to the boy, took his backpack off, turned him over, and pulled up his sweatshirt to get a better look at the wound. When they saw it in its full glory they winced. The wound was in his shoulder, deep, and it would definitely need stitches which none of them knew how to do. So they just wrapped it up and started heading over to Stress's for her help as she knew what to do. They quickly messaged her asking if she would help. She responded with yes and they walked with more purpose. They also messaged X telling him there was someone knew on the server.

Purpled in HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now