Chapter 7

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The next week passed by too quickly in Purpled opinion, because next he knew he was accompanied by both Scar and Impulse saying that they would meet up with X and quite a few others soon. So they were on their way to the meeting and no matter how much Purpled protested he was still getting supported by both of them. It took them around half an hour to get to the meeting from Stress's base, seeing as they had to walk there. All four of them agreed that even though Purpled could walk perfectly fine. He wouldn't be able to fly without running into something and hurting himself more. Also something that didn't occur to them until later was that he could easily run away like that. Although something told Scar that no matter what would happen Purpled wouldn't leave Dogchamp behind. Think of it as a pet owner to a pet owner. Speaking of Dogchamp he was also walking with them, because  Purpled wouldn't leave him behind after what happened last time, and Dogchamp wouldn't let himself be left behind. He never let Purpled out of his sight and would growl whenever someone got too close or when it looked that Purpled was uncomfortable with them. When they got to the meeting there were more people there then Purpled had originally thought. He counted there to be at least 15 people there. He asked, "Are we the last to arrive or not?"

Impulse just laughed, "Trust me there's a lot more people to come."

At this Purpled grew nervous, because he couldn't take on that many people, and he wasn't used to being around large amounts of people at a time. He saw people starting to take notice that they were there. He just stood up tall, not letting them see his fear. They quickly made their way over to X and Purpled tried to hide and sneak away without getting caught. However, it seemed  like that wouldn't happen seeing as he had multiple sets of eyes on him so he just tried to hide behind X's large figure. It had been around another twenty minutes before everyone was there. X clapped his hands and everyone started going to their seats. Which left Purpled standing by X alone.

"Alright, how's everyone doing today?" A round of fines went by. "Good. I think you all know by now what the meeting's about. In case you don't, Scar can come up here and tell everything."

So Scar got up and walked over to X, "Okay as X was saying we have a new person here. We found him stumbling in the woods by the hippie commune. He soon passed out after that so we took him to Stress and she fixed him all up and a week later we have today."

Scar then passed it back to X, "Thank you Scar, so kid you want to introduce yourself."

Over the week that Purpled spent with Scar and Impulse his walls had broken down a bit just enough that he told them his name and age. So Purpled stepped up and said, "Hello, my name's Purpled and I'm 18 years old."

Some people responded with, "Hello Purpled."

X then stood back up and continued, "We need to find out where he's staying until I can figure out how to send him back to his server. Do we have any volunteers?" Multiple people raised their hands. "Okay now we need to decide between Scar, Impulse, Ren, Grian, Stress, and Keralis. So we need to take a vote. Everyone get a piece of paper and write who would be best and you can't vote yourself then hand them to me." So everyone did just that. X read through all the papers and revealed, "Well it looks like Scar will take care of him. Sorry Grian, but you didn't even get a vote." Everyone chuckled and Grian just squawked indignantly.


After the meeting finally ended, Scar was on the way back to his base with Purpled and Dogchamp in tow, but he decided to go through the shopping district before going back. When he turned around he saw Purpled with an awe struck look on his face. He must not see anything like this. Well then I'll wait until he sees our bases then he'll be really mind blown. He went to look back at Purpled and noticed that he was trailing behind so he backtracked and decided to lead Purpled around the shopping district. He noticed that when it came to anything from the end that Purpled gained a questioning look on his face. So he decided to say something, "Hey, Purpled, have you ever seen anything from the end before."

Purpled looked over to Scar, "Of course I have. Why do you ask?" Scar just stared at him like he didn't believe him. Purpled caved in, "Okay, fine! I haven't seen anything from the end."

"Do you want me to explain some things about it to you?"

"Yea, sure. I might as well know some things about it." Holy cow they actually have access to the end. What the hell. Purpled listened as Scar started explaining things. Some things that stuck out to him were the fact that you could fly with something and you could get both a dragon head and dragon egg.


It took them around an hour to get home by walking and they even had to swim at some point. When they got there Purpled saw a ship in an outcropping that couldn't have gotten there normally. "Hey Scar, did you build this?"

"Yea, in fact I built the island we're on."

Purpled just started at him, "Wait, you're telling me, that you built this entire island. Head to toe and all between. It also has never been griefed"

"Yea, you should see everyone else's mine, mine isn't even the best. Also what do you mean it hasn't even been griefed yet. Is that something that happened a lot on your old server?"

"Nope, just wondering. Wait! Hold up! What do you mean there's others better than this?"

"Nothing, nevermind. Anyways I can show you where you'll be staying so just follow me."

So Purpled followed Scar into his base and into one of his spare rooms in case someone needed a place to stay. When Purpled entered he immediately noticed that this single room was nicer than some of his friends' entire houses. "You sure I can stay here with no consequences."

"Yes, Purpled, I have said this many times before. You are welcome at my house and on the server."


"Well it's getting late so you can shower and get ready for bed. The bathroom's third door on the right." Scar said as he started leaving.

Purpled got up and got some clothes given to him by others and headed to shower. He was tired so he quickly removed the bandage and took care of his stitches, showered, redid the bandage, got dressed, and headed to bed. That night he went to sleep thinking, I like it here and I don't want to go back "home", but I also don't want to play Bedwars for the rest of my life. I just don't want to overstep boundaries in asking to stay here. No room for backing out, I'm asking the admin guy if I can stay here. So Purpled went to sleep and for once in his life he was ready for the next day to come

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