Chapter 3

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Purpled kept walking through the woods to his cabin. He knew it was out of the way so no one would think to look there, but why would they look there anyways it's not like they care about him right? When he made it to his cabin he set Dogchamp down and checked to make sure he was still breathing and he was still breathing. So he hurried off to find medical supplies for Dogchamp. He got back and quickly started appealing burn cream, regeneration potions, and bandages to him. He somewhat knew what he was doing seeing as he did this every time to himself after a round of Bedwars. Once it was confirmed that with rest and time that Dogchamp would heal, Purpled started to relax a little bit, but not much. That's when the events of today finally caught up to him. He realized his only place was his cabin now since Quackity blew up his ufo. But what many people don't know is that he used his ufo to travel to the main hub without alerting the entire server of his leaving. So if he ever wanted to leave quietly he can't anymore. Seeing as how anytime you leave through the portal it alerts the entire server through their communicator. But Purpled knew he had to leave somehow. He just didn't know how, when, or where he would go. So over the course of a few days he made a plan.


It was finally the day he would leave so he packed a bag with what he would need and put Dogchamp over his shoulder so he wouldn't have to worry about him. But with Purpled's luck everything would go wrong. He got close to the portal at around three in the morning hoping that no one would be awake and try to stop him. He was about five hundred feet away from the portal when he heard a sound, but he shrugged it off as some kind of animal and continued walking. Only when he heard it again and closer did he take notice of it and pull out his sword. Now, he started running towards the portal and the sounds behind him got louder. When he looked over his shoulder he saw someone in a hoodie running behind him with a sword in his hands. He recognized who it was when the moon caught his face and he was wearing a mask with a hand drawn smile on it. He was only like fifty feet away from the portal when he felt something shoot past his head. He looked back and saw Dream holding a bow and arrow. He was ten feet when he felt something hit and sink into the back of his leg. He kepting going forward ignoring the pain when something slashed across his back. He turned round just in time to block another hit from Dream, but Dream had the upper hand and kept forcing his sword down."Why are you doing this Dream?" Purpled hissed out.

"Well, you seem to be trying to leave my server without my permission so I came here to stop you." Dream replied back shoving Purpled a bit.

Purpled kept trying to walk back and into the portal to get away, but the pain was becoming too much and he saw black around the edge of his vision. He was one foot away when he said, "Well, Goodbye Dream, I hope to never see you again." and he walked through the portal.


The people woke up the next day and when they turned their communicators on they got a ding meaning that someone left the server. Now normally they wouldn't pay much mind to this seeing as how it's somewhat normal for people to leave, but they did a double take when they realized who left. Purpled and Dream not shortly after. Both of which were odd seeing as how they hadn't seen Purpled since Quackity blew up his ufo. Also Dream doesn't usually leave the server, because he wants to keep everyone under his control. It wasn't a coincidence that Dream left right after, but most people shrugged it off. The ones who didn't were Punz, Ponk, Sam, and Philza. They were hoping that Purpled would be able to get away from everything. Everyone quickly went about their day as normal which included manipulating people, blowing stuff up, and just causing chaos.


Nearer towards the end of the second day since Purpled and Dream left everyone got a buzz on their communicator. It was Dream returning and sending a message for everyone to go to spawn immediately. People knew it wasn't a question more of a demand. When everyone made it there, Dream started by saying, "I've assumed that everyone's seen the notifications in chat?" To which everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" Someone said

"Well, I went to find Purpled after he left, but I couldn't find him. It's almost like he vanished. So I set out some missing pictures in the hub to help find him, but I just wanted to update everyone on the situation." He said with a sweetly sick smile.


After the meeting finished everyone began leaving, but Punz, Ponk, Sam, and Philza all met up at Philza's house. "So we know that Dream was lying for the most part, what do we do now?"

"We should try to  find him just to make sure he's okay and that Dream didn't kill him." Responded Ponk.

"I can go check by the portal to see if anything is amiss around there." Said Sam.

"Alright let's do that, but we can't let anyone else know what we're doing. Alright" Philza

Everyone responded with yes all around. So one by one everyone started leaving till Philza was by himself. He heard a door opening and went for his sword before he realized it was just Techno."So what was that all about?"

"What was what about"

"You know. The meeting you had."

Philza was between telling Techno and not. He knew he could trust Techno, but he didn't want a lot of people to know about it. "We're trying to find a way to make sure Purpled alright."

"Why? You never showed interest in him before. So why now?"

"It's because we failed to protect him and he reminds me of Tommy."

They left it at that and went about their nightly routine. Techno went to feed Carl and the rest of his animals, and Philza started preening his wings. Shortly after they both went to sleep.

Purpled in HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now