Chapter 2: The Duke makes Amends

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Ezran's POV:

Quelling the wild forces of the Barbaros kingdom was one thing.

But being sent on a slight detour to the North just to check on the border lord in charge of the Arcana Region has be the most stupidest thing the king has ever asked of me.

But the he wanted a report on the the loyalty of the Beaucamp barony since my entourage was passing by his territory.

Such a slave driver.

Luckily, my army is already on route to where the Barbaros army was. All I had to do was join them and we will be ready to drive them away once I finish with this tedious visit.

My men and I found our way to Orza Village, one of 2 settlements under the rule of the Barony; I was surprised to see how clean and well developed this place was.

The houses were made of sturdy materials and there were paved roads and even a clear lamp post lighting system to illuminate the village.

The moment we alerted the elder of who we are. They immediately showed us to an empty cottage which was made from bricks and a well thatched roof and a wooden under roof. It was 2 stories high and big enough to house me and 5 men.

A warm meal, soft beds and even a hot bath was provided for us. According to the caretaker of this cottage; the lord toys with mechanisms and loves constructing odd contraptions.

Contraptions that improved their way of life like the underground pipping systems that enables them to pump water near their homes.

He showed me the enclosed outdoor bath where a pipe was attached to it and turn the handle after feeding a few hot coals in a small chamber.

Moments later, a stream of warm water fill the hip size tub in no time and I was able to bath while viewing the starry skies.

My men were also able to bathe before supper which consisted of some sort of white rain porridge flavored with garlic oil and green onions, roasted chicken and some jellied fruits for dessert.

The food was better than the rations given to us by Esteban. They were too salty and so hard that one of my men broke a tooth over it. Not even a rock could crack it.

As I turned in for the night while half my men kept watch around the cottage.

It was only a few hours but this village seems well cared for by its lord. None of the nobles I have met has ever made such improvements to their own domain such as a piping system which sounds ingenius and efficient.

This made me interested in the Lord of this region.

But then a few hours later, I heard voices downstairs. Frantic, loud voices.


"Gods and Goddesses!" I got up, pulling my cloak, wishing hell on the one causing the ruckus as I stumped downstairs where I saw the elder and another visitor.

A small shape hidden in a very lose cloak.

The same shape turned, and a soft gasp escaped her mouth as she stumbled back as I loomed menacingly before her.

Ah. a female.

"A-are you the Duke?"

Her voice sounded frightened as she kept herself standing.

Females faint immediately upon being too close me. A product of my dragon aura and dominant presence.

But she merely trembled.

My Lady Chef { La Vita Series } - Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now